My Fruit Platter for the Day

in Best of India3 years ago


Since I have decided to go an extra mile when it comes to maintaining my health I obviously had to incorporate some dieting procedures as well. Yes, I know dieting was not a must but since my Mom is here for some time I thought it would be quite useful to get on a Diet. Plus I am quite sure following a set diet when I am alone is close to impossible, so I got to do it while my Mom's here.

So as for today's Breakfast Platter, I got an assortment of fruits ranging from Apples to Pomegranates, and all of them diced into small pieces for ease. So I have got Apples, Mangoes, Mousambis and some Pomegranates. I love to eat all of them except for the Pomegranate for the usual reasons. I also had a couple of boiled eggs so that I do not get acidity as eating fruits on an empty stomach can do that and if you are wondering if this is going to be the new normal for me I guess it will be for the next week but what happens after my Mom goes back Home is something I can't comment right now.

One Things for sure I am keeping Sugar off me for Sure.


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