Unlocking An Untapped Market - A Market Friday Contribution

Hello my Steemit friends. It's Friday once again. It's one of my most awaited day of the Week! It's time for the popular #MarketFriday tag hosted by @dswigle. This is an initiative I highly recommend you join or at least know more about. Just click on the link here and have a real cool Steemit experience you'll always look forward to.

For this Friday I had planned to continue with my home depot tour but thought the better of it. I wanted to do something different again. My recent trips to the malls here have just made me realize that this pandemic has proven very disastrous to a lot of mall stores. There are hardly any people shopping. Some stores have remained closed up till now and those that are open are lucky to have one or two customers inside their premises. This has led me to wonder where are the crowds that usually flood these malls day in and day out everyday? Have they just decided to stop shopping and stay home most of the time? How do they purchase the products they need and want? Aside from the barter market, is there another one available to these people? The answer is YES! And this is what I want to share with you today - The On-Line market.

The on-line market is basically composed of anyone who has internet. So if you are reading this post, then you are part of this market. It is a huge huge market. The practice of selling on-line is called on-line marketing and has been in practice for years already, spearheaded by the big giants like Ali Baba, eBay, Walmart, etc. But most people, especially in my country, still prefer the traditional selling places such as supermarkets, department stores, home depots, etc. to buy the products they need. So I guess it would be safe to assume that a large part of the on-line market is still basically untapped. The pandemic and the lockdowns that ensued have markedly change the landscape of on-line marketing. Since quite a number of people feel safer to just stay at home and order on-line, I have noticed a rising number of companies aggressively doing on-line marketing. How? Through Facebook. In the past weeks my FB page is always inundated with attractive posts of products being sold, usually at a discount and free delivery. Convenience, product diversity and accessibility, competitive pricing and delivery reliability. And you stay safe too. And the market is responding! What was basically an untapped market is now waking up, thanks to this pandemic, and is responding to marketing efforts.

Whew! That was a long introduction to my Market Friday feature. And now the fun part! The photo below was emblazoned on my FB page when I logged in:


Price is P1,999 from P2,899. Tax included. Free shipping.

And to make sure the women are not left out:

Here are some of the products that caught my attention and I made screen shots of them as well:











What more can I say? The artistry, the presentation, the sales pitch. All designed to whet the appetites of the market. And who wouldn't be interested? No wonder, people don't miss going out too much shopping in malls. They're doing it from their homes where they are safer, don't have to wear a mask, don't have to social distance and don't need any quarantine pass to get around.

This ends my post today. It is again a non-traditional market, but one that is slowly being unlocked and tapped to its full potential. I do hope you enjoyed going over the photos of the items for sale, albeit again the clutter and disorder of these. Thanks for visiting and may you all have a safe and healthy weekend. God bless you all!


Online shopping has increased in the US too. Many nonessential stores were ordered closed, they are now allowed to reopen. I've noticed that some of the smaller independent stores have shut down and for lease signs now occupy the windows. It is sad.

I hope you and your family are doing well.

Hi Maggie. Yes, thank you. We are all doing fine. It's nice hearing from you and quite some time too. I hope your dad and DJ are also doing well as yourself.

Please stay safe and have a blessed Sunday and everyday after Sunday! Missed you.

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