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RE: We are Royal by Market Friday

in Market Friday4 years ago

Well I kind of hope not ace! I hope they're not stealing my footage. LOL thank you so much for dropping the links here and I appreciate you joining The Challenge and taking the time and effort to put a post together. In your case two posts!

#MarketFriday loves you

!tip .30


You're welcome. I see some case of panic buying out in USA too.
I hope this message get across that there's not need to hoard.
I bought 3 packs of toilet paper before the virus outbreak because of special offer and still not buying yet.
Looking for the next good deal. :-)

Hehe! I agree! The panic buying is what causes more problems with the shortage. I also bought toilet paper before the problems because of a great special offer.

I buy nonperishables in bulk when they are on sale. I have the storage, so it is not a problem.

Looking for the next good deal! Yes!!! :)


I don't have a lot of storage but I think the lady keeps less clutter so we can store some stuff here and there.
Thanks for the tip.

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