snowy tumulus

in STEEMITINLAND3 years ago

Photo is clickable for high-res.


location: St.Petersburg, Russia December 2021 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 50mm raw-conv
f 2.2 t 1/40 ISO 1000

Winter is not my favorite season at all. Short daylight hours, low temperatures make me go into a stupor. And I almost stop taking pictures. However, I could not pass by such a mound and not photograph it. Many cars sit on the streets for months and look exactly the same.

Зима вовсе не является моим любимым временем года. Короткий световой день, низкая температура заставляют меня впедать в оцепенение. И я почти перестаю фотографировать. Однако я не смог пройти мимо такого кургана и не сфотографировать его. Многие машины стоят на улицах месяцами и выглядят точно так же.

Google maps: @59.8584775, 30.3227402

This was my entry to 'Street photography' contest by @tarpan — week #48. Hope you enjoy it.


Thanks for the visit!
BLOG is set to 100% powerup, as always.
All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie

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