30 Days of Indonesia Day 2 - Stove Top Cakes (Bakpia Teflon)

in DTube4 years ago

Hi There Friends!

So I made hybrids from my previous post of Mung Bean Porridge 🤣

There are bite size cakes that the texture is more to pastry, known as Pia/Bakpia. These cakes have many filling from chocolate, cheese, peanuts, to mung beans.

So when I made my porridge, I reserved some to make the filling for bakpia 😉 1 stone 2 birds 😁

2 c mung bean porridge
1/2 c sugar
1/2 c milk powder
1 tbsp vegan margarine
1 heaping tsp Mexican vanilla essence
1/2 tsp salt

100 ml lukewarm water
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tbsp active dry yeast
200 g flour
75-77 g vegan margarine

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