in DTube5 months ago


“WHILE the earth remains, SEEDTIME AND HARVEST, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night SHALL NOT CEASE.”
Genesis 8:22 (NKJV)

• Harvest is the hope of every farmer.

  • You planted your seeds by faith and expectantly waiting with patients for the season of Harvest.
  • Waterings, weeding, and the required amount of sunlight are needed for the healthy growth of the plants and good harvest.
  • When you give to God, you must learn to wait. Giving is NOT a gambling. And It should be a lifestyle of every believer who wants to experience God's abundance.
  • In other words, Giving should be what you do without being forced; poked or prodded, before you do it.
  • Your sowing must be backed with patience, If it would be meaningful and productive.

• Reasons for Harvest.

  • Earth is programmed to yield increase:
  • If you had sown, you are entitled to harvest. If the earth refuses to yield increase, after you had sown the seed; It thus means a rebellion.
  • The earth and things in it are meant to obey. Humans are to dominate on earth (Genesis 1:28). Everything made by God, was created to bless humans; work for us, and not against us.
  • If anything were working against you, it was a manipulation by the devil, and you have the right to correct it and tame it—put it under control. The devil is to be resisted and tamed (James 4:7).
  • Everything around you can hear, both animate and inanimate OBJECTS.
  • As demons are around to carry out the words of human agents of the devil; we, the Believers, Also, do have the angels around, who are eager to carry out our words—spoken in line or according to the Scripture: "ARE NOT ALL THE ANGELS MINISTERING SPIRITS SENT OUT [by God] TO SERVE (accompany, protect) THOSE WHO WILL INHERIT SALVATION? [Of course they are!]" (Hebrews 1:14 Amps).
  • They are to minister for us, the Believers, and not against us.

• The significance or importance of the Anointing oil.

  • You need to periodically anoint all that belong to you.
  • Anointing oil is used for consecration and sanctification—the setting apart. And as you did anoint all that are yours, they become separated VESSELS that the devil can no longer touch—be used or manipulated against you.
  • The Kingdom of darkness could manipulate whatever belongs to you—to work against you.
  • Through the operations of demons, demonic powers, things that belong to an individual; cars, electronic devices, pets, and whatever, could be used or manipulated against the person who has them.
  • Whatever belongs to you should not kill you or work against you! If anything that belongs to you is working against you, it means such is being used or manipulated to work against you by the powers of darkness.
  • You would need to tame it. Anoint it and speak to it, to work for you and your good, and not against you.
  • Whatever working against you is rebellious. Animals and all things that were created by God; were created to subject to humans (Genesis 1:26-28).
  • God has put honour on mankind, but was lost in Eden through Adam's SIN. AND afterwards regained through Jesus Christ's sacrificial death and resurrection.
  • The yoke of the devil is broken through the anointing. Also, the devil and his cohorts are rendered impotent and inoperative by the Anointing:
    "IT shall come to pass in that day That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, AND THE YOKE WILL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING OIL" (Isaiah 10:27 NKJV).

• Obedience (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).

  • You receive what you have spoken into existence, to be, after your obedience is fulfilled.
  • If you are against the principles of the Scriptures, you may not experience the Harvest of those good things you have desired (John 15:7,14).
  • The devil can have access to the life of whoever does not pay attention to the Word of God, because the person is under a Disobedience.

• The truth is: patience is the first criterion for Harvest after you had sown correctly.

  • Your ability to know your place, take charge through prayer, and command things to submit and work in line with God's Will and Plan for your life; is of an utmost importance.
  • Your obedience to the principle of sowing, Giving, causes you to experience an Harvest.
  • You cannot experience outstanding results, without obedience to God's principles!
  • What are you radiating, in order to attract? If you are not radiating anything, you may not attract anything!
  • Radiation:
    (i) You radiate through Giving. Power to attract or receive is emitted or sent out through Giving.
    (ii) You give what you have, to attract what you need.
    (iii) You sow to experience bountiful Harvest.

• World is governed by different laws.

  • When you disregarded or did contrary to a particular law or principle, you find yourself in a problem.
  • If nothing is being given, sown, or planted, or radiated; you might not harvest or attract anything as well.
  • Your Giving determines your attractions—people and things that come your way. That is, what you are favoured with and the doors of opportunities that are opened to you are determined by your Giving.
    a. The force of favour follows those who Give.
    b. The force of favour works with the Givers. It makes and compels things to work for their Good.
    d. Aroma, noticeable smell, of favour follows and rests on the Givers!
    What are you Giving?

• Givings that attract.

  • Tithes of your incomes.
  • Offerings to your pastor or prophet.
  • Offerings to the poor or Needy.
  • Offerings to the projects commanded by God.
  • Note:
    (i) Give as a Sacrifice.
    (ii) Give because you love God and wanted to obey Him.
    (iii) Be prompt to do, Whenever you are instructed or stirred by God. That is, you Give at the right Time. Delayed obedience is tantamount or equal to Disobedience.

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • Whatever would not allow you to live in peace and good health is rebuked and uprooted in your life in Jesus' name.
  • I declare total health for you in Jesus' name.

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