Degree & Money Doesn't Makes A Person Big.

in DTube2 years ago

Hello Everyone,

There is a beggar in our area whom we usually call "chacha" means uncle. Not only me every person calls him by that name. That beggar doesn't have money or own houses to live still people loves to feed him. The only reason he is very soft spoken and behave nicely. Even though he doesn't have any qualification or degree to support but his attitude towards everyone always been great. It teaches me an important lesson and thought to bring up here.

People can get big or affluent. They can get high educational degree, or get 7 figures pay packages. But all these never make thme big enough to get such high respect and love in the society. Contrast to that beggar, our affluent village deserve never get so much love care and respect. Because he always get harsh and rough while talking.

Our mouth can be good way to judge ofnpyrself. It is not necessary we always get blunt or hard on everyone that could decide my status in society. Even a soft spoken can lot of love and get good status quo. No body teach us all these basic way of living , it needs to be develop after all every human being are same.


Namaste @steemflow

▶️ DTube

very touching story, i learnt that the way up is down. once you humble yourself you will rise at anytime.
and you can only come down if you are up, so once you are up you should continue behaving well because your downfall might come at anytime

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