My Status Update : 9 Days of No Electricity

in DTube2 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I remember while I was on city every problems or errors were fixed with a click of a fingers. Basically City life is so convenient with all kind of facilities easily available to make life so comfortable. On the hand life in a village is completelly difderent. In Villages one end to waiti for long time to get any issue sorted , as far as the basic amenities are concerned.

My situation is not different. It's been 9 days and we are Living here without electricity. Few days ago we had a strong wind that uprooted around y electric pole in our region. Though wind was only for few minutes, It created so much problem for all of us. We are still waiting to get the issue sorted. Only concern is that the li Eman and electrical were living in far off places plus the poles and other repair item required from a distant places. Aising so much delay.

It is completelly challenging situation for all of us. But still we are managing everything with ease. And that why it is always said a village life can make everyone very stronger to face all kind of problems.

Hope to see a change of situation sooner.


Namaste @steemflow

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I don't think a person can have a real understanding of how different 1st world vs. 3rd world situations are until they experience things like you have described here. It would be nice to read more on your observations on what ingenuity comes from this situation. In my experience the people who grew up without the "conveniences" seem to have a leg up when it comes to solving the problems that arise when utilities fail.
I also agree that the communal bonds, when people work together to get by, are priceless and are something I remember and cherish most from village life.

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