Introducing DailyVlog Tag || Small Initiative for Daily Vlogger

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, Hope you are having a good time ...

I have been using the "daily vlog" term on my video from the past few months. So I wanna introduce #dailyvlog tag for those who make videos daily. I know many of you are daily vlogger and love to make videos every single day. The topic can be anything, just wanna take a baby step for daily vloggers, so that we can connect with them and engage with them.

For Full details please watch my video and you are welcome to use the #dailyvlog tag on your video post.

Thanks a lot for watching...



I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily...

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BDvoter Team

Hi Priya! I love writing too! I'm following you and upvoted your post.

Thank you...

Okk...i will use this tag from next day...

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