No Waste Of Taste - Spätzli

in DTube3 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: No Waste Of Taste - Spätzli

Too Much Hassle To Stay On So Many Different Platforms and after nearly a year of wait and see what is going on on Steem and Hive, i decided now to move on...

I don't say Hive is better, not at all, because it's not... it just makes no sense to me to hop in between the "same" posts on two chains all the time. Life is to short for all this drama about all this. On Hive i have at least some readers and voters on my content. But even there a decision has to be taken soon...

To me the future is on Videos, that's the reason i focus on for now...

Peace Love and Grooviness
Your Dude


Excellent tunes brother 👍 love the time lapse ... it’s like my nose pulled me to the kitchen and watch with hungry anticipations 😘

Ok so constructive criticism, this may be a “silly time-lapse” but it is also a missed teaching opportunity 😉 you have the skills and knowledge and I believe you could take your channel next level by sharing more of that passion 😘 the video IMO is perfect, I would try include the recipe(I seen in video) and a little about the prep in description. Everyone has the potential to teach, few have culinary experience, even fewer have the ability to write that recipe in multiple languages 😉 little speculation on my behalf but the more we provide tends to relate to the more we receive 🦾

And what the fuck did you not like about my blog? Are you gay?

to reply in your low level manner, so you may understand the message:

And what the fuck did you not get about a system you can downvote? Are you an idiot?

Mark these kind of videos as NSFW and i wont even bother...

Don't worry about it. Nerve cells don't regenerate pigeon )

Don't worry about it. Nerve cells don't regenerate pigeon )

So the blue faggots pulled up. Yes halupki?

🍳 🍴This is for you! Stick it up your ass-faggot of dicks.

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