CTPTalk #2020Vision Challenge - Dumbell Tricep Kickbacks + Blog Plugin Update

in DTube4 years ago

I was home alone this morning so I took the opportunity to do a full workout. This is the second of two videos I made. In this one, about half way through the routine, I do a set of 5 kilogram dumbell tricep kickbacks while attempting to report on a couple of recent updates to my blog plugins.

  1. I added Facebook Messenger to https://davidhurley.net using Facebook's Messenger Customer Chat plugin. The Messenger icon only seems to show up on desktop browsers, however.

  2. In our book A Thousand A Month ( https://thousandamonth.com ) my co-author and I recommended the Statcounter an easier alternative to Google Analytics. However, I stopped using it because the plugin had not been updated for a while. Well, I'm pleased to see that it is now compatible with the latest version of Wordpress, so I have installed it again.

The record so far is, 3 days out boozing + 9 days at home sober!

24/61 challenges completed! Can I get the next 37 challenges done before Easter??

#2020Vision is part of the ClickTrackProfit community on https

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Thanks to @pixiepost for creating the #2020vision following the example of #actifit !!

David Hurley

Check out my blog @ https://davidhurley.net

Downline builder & traffic site: https://www.elitedownlinebuilder.com

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, and then make a purchase, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support this channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!

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