369 Hz SOLFEGGIO ''Energy, Frequency, and Vibration'' - [Nicola Tesla]

in DTube2 years ago

Nikola Tesla’s 3 6 9 theory is alleged to “hold the key to the universe.”

  When you’re a genius, you tend to notice things that others don’t. Nikola Tesla did. He envisioned the potential of electricity far before his contemporaries. So, is it possible that Nikola Tesla’s 3 6 9 theory of the universe holds water? Or is it merely evidence of Tesla’s obsessive nature?

Tesla’s 3 6 9 obsession began with his fixation on the number three — and suggests that three, six, and nine could hold the key to the universe. The theory has been co-opted and expanded upon even today by people who hope to improve their lives by “manifesting” their desires through repeatedly writing them out.

But understanding the theory requires understanding Nikola Tesla himself.

    Threes also appear often in human history. Triangles have three sides — as do pyramids. Trinities abound in human history, as in the “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost”. Tesla himself would point to the trifecta of “energy, frequency, and vibration” which he believed contained the “secrets of the universe.”

    SOLFEGGIO is produced at 396 Hz Carrier Frequency.

You can use this track without headphones and as a background vibration.  If you want to get its full potential, use earbuds.

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