
I am not sure what you are trying to show me here.
I know about commuities and hives.

What does this link have to do with anything.

There is no difference where due dilligence is done. Directly on Steemit/Hive posts or on one of the communities' posts or apps that use Steem/Hive blockchain.
Text can be copied and google translated and then and searched with google very well from these posts as from any other place that they are published in. Please do due diligence on posts that are submitted to your contests. It's really that simple.

UhThe author that was mentioned by Steemcleaners was never rewarded for the post Steemcleaners brought to light.

As you can see in the image you shared, it says "For sharing info...". This author, like many others, made at least 2 similar posts. Maybe more. While I do not support plagiarism, I do not have control of STEEM accounts that push those posts.

The key is: the post that was mentioned was never rewarded.

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