[DTube Leader Update] Now I Shall Be Good

in DTube2 years ago

Discussing why I needed to reach out for help managing my DTube Leader Node and what it means for my future as a leader and projects. With help I have already been able to get webapp and block explorer mirrors functioning on my domain as well as API. Over time I hope to continue improving but my first step will be my homepage and linking to now established infrastructure.

API: Avalon.d00k13.com
WebApp: https://DTube.d00k13.com
Avalon Block Explorer: https://DTubeBlocks.d00k13.com

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▶️ DTube

Beautiful site. Hey I bought some more Dtube on Ionomy… 1,500 DTC … ready to post more videos on D.Tube.

Right on 💪 you likely grabbed some of the coins I had to sell for survival 😕 glad a fellow Canadian was able to get the benefit of my market sells

Great outdoor shots bro! Love the mobile d00ki3 and excellent work getting your node up and running!

Thanks buddy I am super proud of my mobile d00k13 for no real good reason, said I would do it and I did it 🤪 “I can jump that puddle” 🤣🤣🤣 it does help allowing me to work on things in the car but I seem to be marveling in how secure I can get the laptop situated 😇

Next I need to figure out how to wire a laptop charger directly into the 12v power system. Laptop is 10.8v battery supply but 19v charge on port… my understanding I will need to boost to 19v then add surge protection with some diode thing to split voltage 🤷‍♂️

Second car battery is still seeming easier and more functional 😉

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TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 66543.69
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71