Now, and The Rubber Band

in DTube4 years ago

Yo Yo My Sovereigns, Wattup?

Please join me for another philosophical rant, on one of my favourite topics,


In particular, experiencing it in the now.

Links referred to in this video*

The COVID Scamdemic is Unraveling (Max Igan)

Please enjoy.



As always, please let me know your thoughts, in the comments below, or as a video, and link it, in the comments below.

If you would like to do a collab with me, or be a guest on, Meet The Sovereigns, then let me know in the comments below, or hit me up on discord Bobaphet#5613

Think, Believe, Achieve.

Video outro clip made by @steemersayu907

▶️ DTube

What about virtual reality? :)

Dude, you're a little less woo woo than you used to be. LOL.

I just fixed that. New vid out in 10 min. You'll love it :)

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