How Dangerous are the Syrian People? and Why the World is Invading Syria?

in DTube4 years ago

What a question to be asked but you wouldn't blame the ignorant people who ask such questions, you can blame the system that raised and educated them, the question was: Are Syrian People Dangerous?

If we ask such a question about some other people they would call it racist and fire a campaign of victimhood and smears against us, but since we're coming from the oldest continuous civilization on the planet we learned to educate people not attack them; when they become learned they'll fix the rest on our behalf. So I completely twisted the answer into something more related to human nature, read on.

The weird question was put by a member of the Quora Q & A wiki social site, it was before I joined Steemit and naturally way before HIVE, so I didn't share my answer here, a recent upvote to my answer by another member made me think of sharing my answer with the audience here, total upvotes to the answer on Quora as of now is 41 out of 5,5k views. This is what I replied there to the above question:

Yes, of course, Syrian people are the most dangerous on the planet, but only to the ignorants and criminals.

Syrians who invented the alphabet, music, analytical science, algebra, hospitals, first constitution, farming, was the land from where all 3 divinely religions spread to the whole world, home of the oldest church in the world in the city of Homs, home of the oldest synagogue in Jobar suburb of Damascus, home of the most special mosque the Omayyad Mosque where Jesus Christ is said to descend at upon his return and where the head of John the Baptist rests, had a lady queen thousands of years before America was found, have the best drop dead cuisine in healthy cook and mouthwatering sweets (see video below).. What more you want from a people to consider them dangerous.


Now add: Syria is the country where all oppressed found refuge and settled for protection like those fleeing the Ottoman massacres the Armenians, Greek, Caucasians.. Those fleeing the Zionists massacres from Palestine (1.1 million by 2011) and Lebanon (60,000 between 1982 through 1987, 2006 to present). Those fleeing US and UK invasion of Iraq (2.2 million Iraqis). Those fleeing the apartheid regime in South Africa (Syria hosted the only office abroad for Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress -ANC). Helped liberate Kuwait from Iraq. The only Arab country that stood against Iraq in its US instructed war against Iran. The country that sacrificed thousands of its own soldiers to stop the civil war in Lebanon.. On top of that Syria has never invaded any other country but was invaded by every other country throughout the world’s history…..!

Syria Won't Allow the Old Agenda of War Masters

How can such people not be dangerous?!

Click on this link to see a short video clip of some Syrian food: The video above as posted on New Syria page

Your objective comments are always welcomed.

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Who never tried any of these missed half of their lives, imagine who missed them all :)

@ahmedsy,,, :( I missed them!!! How are you doing? Mitch

@arabisouri, the question shouldn't be "Is Syria dangerous?" but rather "How dangerous could Syria be?" imho that is. Having grown up and living in the "Age of Vietnam war" and being a U.S. Marine of the older school, there have been 3 Countries that have been so quietly superior that they, I think, would devestate whoever began a "Legitimate war" with them. The first was and always has been first in my mind, is Switzerland. Even their neighbor, Nazi Germany, left them alone in WW2. Now, I could never figure out why, but Syria kind of stuck in there and not because the Syrian people were so vicious, mostly because "the quieter the person, the badder he is" and Syria NEVER bragged and boasted that I can remember. The third, and this just goes into training, Iran. They train the heck out of their soldiers.
So, IMHO, How dangerous could Syria be? really Dangerous. But that is just My opinion and doesn't really amount to much. I'm off and doing my best to not let our current leader get re-elected!
Be safe and never give up the good fight! Mitch

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