"What is it like to be high on marijuana?" - Everything is everything - Donnie Hathaway

in WeedCash Network4 years ago (edited)

A very interesting Study :

Simply said weed seems to 'tune' my perceptions making me more aware of patterns and
connections "Everything is everything" - Donnie Hathaway

Study: http://druglibrary.org/special/tart/tart2.htm

A number of users wrote in additional visual effects in the final part of the questionnaire. 
Three users mentioned stroboscopic effects on vision: (1) "Old-time movie effect, where people move in phases as in a movie running too slow" (Sometimes, Strongly); (2) "I see in frames like a movie, only slowed down" (Rarely, Strongly); and (3) "Vision distorted as if seeing world with big strobe light flickering overhead" (Sometimes, Maximum). 
"I see movement in things that I focus on, a matchbook cover with a geometrical design shifted like a light show movie; the more stoned, the bigger they are of movement" (Sometimes, Fairly). 
"I find a continuum which starts with things' being two-dimensional and progressing to deep three-dimensional. I find I can stop anywhere on it" (Usually, Maximum). 
"I can see the texture of the air in little swirling dots" (Usually, Just). 
"Things inanimate, like a pile of clothes, seem to come to life;" (Sometimes, Strongly). 
"Much more fun to watch color TV or newscasts" (Sometimes, Fairly). 
"Am able to see mythical, angel-like creatures, which seem to be personal spirits" (Rarely, Maximum). 
"Figure-ground shifts become more frequent and easier to control when stoned" (Sometimes, Strongly). 
"I get more, and more pronounced, afterimages" (Rarely, Strongly). 
"Aesthetic perception augmented re Cezzane [sic]: see interview with Allen Ginsberg, Paris Review #37" (no specification of frequency or levels).

More Details: http://druglibrary.org/special/tart/tart6.htm

Marijuana intoxication seems to raise the level a fair amount, more so with increasing levels of intoxication. Thus patterns form from ambiguous material, contours are sharpened, central visual phenomena are enhanced at the expense of peripheral phenomena, depth is magnified and more subtle shades of color are perceived. With eyes closed, visual imagery is enhanced.
Such a raising of level of the patterning mechanism is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it may genuinely result in perceiving useful patterns and meanings that would have been overlooked. On the other hand, meaning may be falsely attributed to phenomena that have no such meaning. Many users seem to be aware of this combined advantage-disadvantage of marijuana intoxication and to compensate for it by requiring more data than usual before making a judgment or carrying out a consequent action. Others naively accept everything seen while intoxicated as true. This same dual aspect of raising the level of patternmaking activity applies, of course, to all sense modalities and cognitive processes.


Photo and edits by me. Freedom Dream High CBD

Also shared on Smoke.io https://Smoke.io


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