Steem cameroon contest Earth day(cameroon) 22-04-2023

in Steem Cameroonlast year

Warm greetings to everyone. I welcome you all to my blog today . Today is world Earth day. It is usually celebrated worldwide. The theme selected for this year is "invest in our planet".
calling for businesses to shift towards sustainable practices.

Edited on photoeditor.

what is world earth day?

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year. On this day we remember how closely we are connected to the earth as well as our responsibility to protect it. On this day we come together to show our support for the planet by investing in it like planting trees.

Earth day us celebrated in order to educate the public on how to manage waste, recycle plastcs, so we can maintain a good and enjoyable planet earth. When we look around the world today , we see so many changes like increasing natural disasters, extreme weather, and rising global temperatures which may seem impossible for one human to control it.

Effects of global warming.
Image from pixabay.

That is why earth day is celebrated so that millions of people around the world can come to fight these changes. A small action, like picking up litter on the sidewalk that may have otherwise ended up around the neck of an animal or in the ocean, still makes an impact ,a step in the right direction, and an important change.

How do your country or organisation celebrate earth day?

We always take part in celebrating earth day in Bamenda -upstation . But this year because of some reasons beyond our control we could not celebrate it. But for the previous years, we usually take part in a variety of activities such as planting trees, cleaning up litter, promoting recycling, and most importantly raising awareness about environmental issues. when people are aware of the dangers of plastics and other non biodegradable materials, it helps keep our planet earth a safe place. it also helps to reduce disaters like flooding and global warmimg.

We encouraged the population on the advantages of reusable bags, a refillable water bottle.

Another important way we raise awareness is by implementing the steps known as the five Rs if management.
The first R stands for Refuse . Which means to avoid purchasing or using items that are not recyclable.
The second R stands for reduce means to cut back on the amount of trash we generate.
The third stands for Reuse means to find new ways to use things that otherwise would have been thrown out.
The fourth R stands for Recycle means to turn something old and useless into something new and useful . When each of these Rs are followed the environment will be a better place.

what impact does your community gain during and after the celebration?

The first impact it has on the population is that it creates environmental awareness. We did this by showing the population how to plant trees to conserve our environment. The population gave a listening ear and promised to help fight plastics and other materials which are in danger to the environment.
We still have a long ways to go to protect our planet and ensure it’s longevity for generations to come.

Image from pixabay

what issue or concern will you recommend to be commemorated this week and on what date?

To me I recommend a day such as international day to fight against flood. Flooding has become one of the greatest impact of poor waste disposal. Especially plastics. So I'll recommend day is set aside to educate the population on flooding , it's causes and how we can manage it. So this can be celebrated on the 25 of April 2023.


To conclude, climate change is something that can fight as an individual , a community and a nation. Together let us invest in our planet!!

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