in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

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In the days of African colonization, Cameroon became a German colony in the year 1884 and was named Kamerun. During the outbreak of the first world war, France and Britain jointly fought Germany in Kamerun and defeated Germany. Britain and France partition the colony due to the failed condominium, France had the lion's share of the territory while Britain had the smaller part of the territory which was administered alongside Nigeria. These territories became UN trust territories after the end of the second world war and the creation of the UN.

On January 1st, 1960, french Cameroon achieved its independence from France and British southern Cameroon became a federal state within Cameroon on 1st October 1961. H.E Ahmadou Ahidjo president of the federal republic of Cameroon on the 20th, May 1972 called a national referendum knowing fulling well that the population of both states were not equal. Cameroonians voted for the unitary state as opposed to the existing federal state.

This referendum was never in favor of the Former British Southern Cameroonians, today every 20th may, we celebrate the unity of the countries.

In 1982, president Ahmadou Ahidjo gives up power to H.E President Paul Biya who has been on the seat since then till now.

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Back in the day, 20th May will be a great day for the entire nation, From primary school through secondary schools right up to the university will celebrate this day in every region and division of the country. The president of the republic himself will preside over the day in the nation's capital Yaounde.

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It was a great joy for Cameroonians celebrating this day, the military parade will blow our minds and it attracted soo many young boys and girls to join the military.

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The people of former British Southern Cameroon started crying about marginalization and called for the Government to return to the 2 state federation. The government did nothing to address the worries of the people of former British Southern Cameroon and in 2016 a crisis breakout where the teachers and lawyers called on the government to withdraw all French teachers in their schools and withdraw all french magistrates serving in English courts in the northwest and southwest. The government ignored the call of the anglophone to make things right and today we find ourselves in a war for separation.

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A fraction of the people of former southern Cameroon break out and created a country called Ambazonia and fighting for a total break away from La republic du Cameroun. The crisis was led by the Niara 10 who are now in jail in the Yaounde central prison.

This crisis has lasted for 5 years now and has taken thousands of lives, hundreds of thousands displaced, economic and social development collapsed. The same military we used to praise and love is now killing our women and children,
boring our villages, and destroying our business. The separatist fighters on the other hand inflict the local population with great pain and suffering. The poor people of Former southern Cameroon are in deep pain as I write and the world is silent over all the killings on both sides.

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This is the outcome of the 1972 National referendum, our children now know every different sound of guns, our parents sleep more in the pushes than their on house for fear of their lives, education is totally grounded in over 90% of the crisis zone, yet the people of Yaounde the nation's capital of Cameroon says "when Yaounde is breathing then Cameroon is fine".

The international community still has the chance to step in and make things right. It is possible to organize a round table dialogue amongst the leaders and bring out a lasting solution to this war. That will be better than sending tons of rice and other foodstuffs for IDP and refugees.

The situation is so bad that we have to keep politics aside and face the root cause of the problem. I do not think providing war equipment to the Cameroon government to fight the separatist, or selling guns to the separatist to defend their people from the government's brutality is the way out of this crisis.

They are so many developed countries who support the Cameroon government with war equipment to fight the separatist as well as others who support the separatist leaders with financial aids to buy weapons. Gun has never been the solution and will never be.

Today 20th May was a GHOST TOWN in the entire former southern Cameroon, the situation is not the best we need action from the powers the be

  • UN
  • AU
    and others, we need peace like any other country, please.


 3 years ago 

Yeah nice write up@yeesja ,indeed I can still remember vividly how we use to celebrate the national day with joy and happiness ,but now due to the current anglophone crisis ,it is instead a ghost town day .indeed we really need actions from the UN AU and the entire world out-large to look into this crisis and see how it could be solve so as peace return to our beloved Nation Cameroon

 3 years ago 

The moment the world keeps away politic when it comes to lives, we the better place we shall make for us all. let them stop supplying weapons to us. we are tired of war.

 3 years ago 

This day used to be a day to remember during the year. I have some nice recollection of the day from a boarding school perspective. It was memorable.

Now all we know is hurt and silence on this day. We cry out for help but no one and nothing seems to come home out aid. All we can do is hope for a better life.

Beautiful write up.

 3 years ago 

O Cameroon our Fatherland. Nice write up @yeesja
You have taken us back to our history, reminding us of who we really are. Thank you

 3 years ago 

No man born of a woman can hide our identity. But all we need is peace bro.

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