in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

SDG 1-17.jpg


Our fathers used to tell us that " UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL" or in other words " UNITY IS STRENTH". One of the problems we Africans are faced with is the factor of disunity that exists among us, which explains why Africa is very rich and 90% of Africans are poor. The reason why we Africans find ourselves where we are is for the following reasons:



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I am not against any religion, but it is very necessary to tell what damage Religion has caused the continent. Africans are notoriously religious, which can be seen in the manner we name their children, for example, EMMANUEL, JACOB, JOHN some people even go to the extent of naming their children JESUS.

Religious practices are very good things practiced all over the world. God created the Earth and divided people into different races with different religious practices. Like any other continent, Africa had it on religion which is called "THE AFRICAN TRADITION RELIGION"

Far back in the 1880s, during the mad rush for African territories by the Europeans, they came with their religion and took away what is ours(our traditional value, our identity, our dignity) and deposited what was theirs which is their religion. Today our streets are littered with churches of different denominations.

The damage religion has caused Africans are:

  • Religion reduces the time most African put to work. Churches in Africa operate 7 days a week, they preach more of spiritual battles rather than teaching their following hard work and responsibility. Africa has produced the richest Pastors on Earth whereas members of their various congregations are poor, most pastors exploit their followers and keep them permanently poor in the name of the search for salvation.
  • Religious leaders in Africa are always on the side of an oppressive government. Most African politician uses Religion to manipulate the people from their constituencies. Here in Cameroon, a minister of the state takes money meant for the fight against COVID-19 and the development of the country to construct a church which he donated to the
    Catholic mission.
    It's funny because many are dying for lack of proper medical facilities but a politician will construct a church with development fund for an already rich mission.


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"Power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely". African politicians are so power-drunk, whenever they assent to power, for some of them it is still death. This very attitude of African politicians has greatly slowed down the growth of the continent.

Politicians who are voted to power by their own people turn to kill the same people just to stay in power. Social media has come to show the world what was hidden behind the scene in most African countries. Central African countries are victims of the political crisis caused by the long stay of their president in power. we all know that we can't build in war so consequently, the properties and lives of the citizens are rather destroyed by the regimes in question just to stay in power.

It is funny that in the eyes of the world and with the support of some world powers, these presidents still pass over power to their sons after destroying their countries and putting their own people through pain and torture.

Our streets are constantly in flames, our women and children are being killed in their sleep, our men disgraced and killed publicly for trying to protect their families and villages. where is the democracy they preach to our people?
why is it always very slow for the UN and AU to intervene when people are being killed? IT IS A SHAME.


Education plays a key role in keeping our people disunited and underdeveloped in two ways.

    We have trusted our African sons and daughters who we feel are educated and will bring the desired change we all await. Rather some educated Africans turn to oppress their people and underlook them, while some very kind heart people will spread education to their community. Most Africans celebrate certificates more than they can do. That explains why most African Ph.D. holders in physic can not produce a bulb or Professors in Research can't produce a vaccine.

Some educated Africans feel too important to associate themself with less educated people and most of the African sons and daughters who actually acquire the education and the skills that could change the face of Africa end up not come back home after they finish studies abroad.

    These are the group of people in the African society whom politicians use to destroy the continent.
    They can easily be manipulated to pick up guns, they are not employed, they are poor and hungry so the rich politicians take advantage of their condition to using them for evil schemes.
    In every crisis or revolution, the uneducated are used to face the government whereas the children of these leaders are studying and staying abroad. They do not understand the consequences of war to themself, their families, and their community at large.


As humans that we all are, we all deserve a better life. The United Nations came up with the SDG so together we shall make the world a better place, we expect the UN and AU to come in when they are needed the most not to come and bury and ask either party in a crisis situation to pay damages. No amount of payment can compensate for life please take note.

  • Religion is a way of life and people are free to practice any. We call on Africans not to be fooled by some religious leader who has chosen the path of wealth and not leading their followers to God. We also call on every African that the first Devil in our lives and community we have to fight is POVERTY, and poverty is not fought in a church. The only means of fighting poverty is hard work while believing in yourself and God almighty.
    We equally call on all religious leaders to speak the truth and nothing but the truth to their followers.

  • POLITICS is the only way we will have to change our continent. We know due to the very bad political practices of our fathers, it has scared billions of African young leaders away from politics. I call on young men and women to actively get involved with politics let us together write the change we all need.

  • Education is a basic necessity for every child. Our leaders prevent us from education so as to educate their children to come and take over. But we have young Africans who are devoted to seeing that poor child get basic education all over Africa. We call on us all to help or educate a child when and if we can. Education is the key.

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A very clear message I have nothing to add to except this is the foreland of the entire world. A world where most people no longer pray, waste time in church but work 24/7 and still are unable to make anything. Education goes downhill rapidly, own opinion/ideas/facts are not appreciated. Those people are deleted, enemies of the state.
The Christians might have brought their religion to Africa, Asia and ? but not radicalism, terrorism and islam. No matter which believe it should never influence or be part of politics.

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