The Diary game of Sunday 31|7|2022

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)



Special greetings dear Steemians i Trust you all are doing well.

I feel so happy telling you all how i spend my sunday over here in Mvomeka participating the Fenalsco A games.

My day started at 3am the time i arrived the village i was so tired after spending over 17 hours in the car travelling from Bamenda .


After dropping my bag i and my colleagues went straight in search of water to take our bath before resting.


After bathing i went and slept just for about 2 hours and at 7 am we asked to go for breakfast.

It took me an hour before having a ticked for the breakfast because over 400 athletes were supposed to take breakfast in the same hall and only two people were there to serve the breakfast.


After breakfast i went and took my bath and i and my colleagues left where we are host to the main stadium for the launching of the competition.

The program was scheduled to start at 8 am but finaly it started at 10 am.

Beautiful dressed in the 22nd Edition of the Fenalsco A games T shirts.


We left for the occasion ground and we arrived at 9am.


At occasion started at 10 am with beautiful activities like traditional dance groups, the arrival of top personal activities,
The National Anthem, the speach of the occasion and match pass.


The occasion lasted for about 6 hours with sun shine at a very high decree i was very tired and some of us were just laying down in shelter areas.


I and my colleagues left the occasion ground at 2pm to our camp to chear up the Northwest west Handball team both boys and girls.

At 2:30 we went for lunch it was another long line only those who had tickets were allowed to eat.
Rice and groundnut soup plus chicken was the menu of the day.


The hand ball girls march started at 3:15 pm and th3 girls of GBTTac Bamenda trashed the girls of Adamawa 12 goals to 2.


The fight of the day was the boys of Bamenda vs the boys of Mvomeka it was fire the boyh teams seperated points 10 goals each ways.



After watching the hand ball boys it was already 6pm i and my colleagues went for training and we spend about an hour and 20 minutes.

At 7:30 we went back to our dormitory took our bath and went to dinner .

Opon arriving the hall food was finished and we had to stay for 2 hours before food was ready.

While wait i went very far in search of network
and 10 pm food was ready i went and ate poor prepared rice and from there at 10:30 i went to th3 dormitory and slept after a stressful day .



Thank you all for taking your precious time to go through my diary game.

Life is not really easy over here poor network to make a call from where we a host is really a problem no to talk of Internet .

All photos are snapped by me with Samsung galaxy s21.


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