The Diary Game. 06/05/2024 // Ghost town day spent at the hospital with my sick husband.

in Steem Cameroon26 days ago

Hello @everyone accept greeting from my motherland Cameroon.It’s another day to share with you people how I carried out my activities.Today is normal ghost town day for us imposed by the separatists fighters to to us . Due to the Anglophone e crisis in my region for 7years .If you ask me I can’t explained. Unfortunately my husband had sleepless night as he was feeling frevish and sweating the whole night.

Early inthe morning my husband decided to go to the hospital and consults .My will be starting exams the nextday and I needed to revised with him . My husband said he will go along then while my done revising with my son I stay. When I was done with my son doing revision.I recieved a called from my husband he has been administered a drip. To cool down his body temperature which is high. I decided to follow him in the hospital.


Me at the hospital to see my husband who is sick

While in the hospital, he was sent to the lab to do series of tests .I made him there while he was seated waiting for the lab results to come out . His appearance was not looking good as he was looking so weak and dizzy .


Lab section waiting for my husband lab tests result to be out

At one point I came hungry as I left the house without eating. I had no time to eat as I was hurrying to go to the hospital and met by husband there. I hate eating out of my home or buying foods to eat . Worse of all was ghost town most people are indoors in their house .Luckily I saw one lady roasting fresh corn at the entrance of the hospital . I bought one and ate .


The corn I bought to eat at the entrance of the hospital because I was feeling hungry

Atleast that was enough for me as my stomach is no more empty. After,I join my husband at the lab his lab result was given to him and he was asked to see the doctor. After, seeing the doctor , his lab tests result diagnosed him having typhoids . Some medications were prescribed by the doctor for him to buy in the hospital pharmacy.


My husband at pharmacy to pay his medication he has bought prescribe by the doctor

When he was doing buying drugs , we left the hospital . Looking if we can see a bike rider to take us home .Seriously the streets are very dry not cars could be even be seen moving along the streets.


Today is ghost town day and streets are very dry ,no care moving on the way but we were lucky to see a bike rider to take us from the hospital to the house

Luckily we stumbled with one bike rider to take us to home with his bike . We arrived feeling very tired as the whole day was spent in the hospital. I freshened up and heated foods and encouraged my husband to eat well as he was not having appetite.

I decided to take a nap for about 2hours.Iater, I got around 7:00pm,that is the time my husband is taking part of his medication. He was also in deep sleep, I woke him and he took his medication.I gave him orange to take after his medication.


After some few minutes I called it a day by going bed . That how my day ended eventhough, my day was not a good as I was up and down to due my husband poor health condition.Praying for quick recovery,wishing everyone a blissful new week.

 26 days ago 

Helo my dear. It's not an easy one out here with the weather we are having. Sickness is ramping.

I wish your husband a quick recovery.

 25 days ago 

Thank you dear, for reading through my post and wishing my husband a quick recovery 🙏

So sorry my dear about the condition of your husband. How is he feeling now. I am wishing him speedy recovery

 25 days ago 

He is much better thank you the concern dear 🙏


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