Steem Cameroon Contest - My Short Movie Script: Mystery Cup

in Steem Cameroonlast year (edited)

Pink & Blue Watercolor Painted Canvas Quote Instagram Post.jpg
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Mystery can be said to be good secrets or things unexplainable to human beings especially scientists or researchers. I can say that Mystery is light or good secrets that was hidden from man for a reason. It can be viewed as happenings that science of the world can't give a definition to it. It is a wonder of the wonders. So, I will like to create a movie with the key theme "Mystery Cup".

Name of the Movie

My movie will be names "The Mystery Cup of Allavania".

  • Brenda: A girl from Earth
  • Elspeth: Guardian of the mystery cup
  • Charlotte: Guardian of the mystery cup (later villain)
  • Fred: Brenda's best friend
  • Doris: Brenda's mother.

The scene opens with two women chanting around the gold plated cup called the mystery cup. These women were the guardians ovthe mystery cup. The mystery cup is known for its amazing powers when harnessed by the guardians. It can give life or destruction depending on how it is harnessed. They remained hidden for centuries. So, a war broke out in Mars and it needed a guardian to intervene.

Elspeth volunteered and went on the mission. The war was Charlotte's scheme to get Elspeth's attention. While away, Charlotte used that movement to harness the dark powers of the mystery cup. Her aim was to dominate the world with dark magic. She succeeded and gained dark powers. This ability made her to cause havoc and destruction.

When Elspeth came back and saw this, she tried stopping her but Charlotte overpowered her. Charlotte end up weakening Elspeth making her unable to fight back. Elspeth went away searching for ways to stop this dark magic. She came across a chronicle that says "Dark magic can be defeated by a pure human".

After searching she found a girl from Earth called Brenda. Brenda was a jovial girl who lives with her mother, Doris. After visiting a friend Fred she encountered something. She saw an old woman almost hit by an oncoming vehicle. She rushed in and saved a woman.

The old woman was grateful to her and then revealed herself to be Elspeth, the guardian. Elspeth revealed what was going on. Brenda agree to help and her friend, Fred also said yes. The trio set out on a journey to the land of Allavania, a place beyond the Earth and the Galaxy.

Elspeth grant them Magical powers. At last, they confronted Charlotte whose power grew stronger as the day goes. The battle begans and Charlotte had the upper hand. The trio tried and tried but at last the weaken Charlotte finally defeating her.

The mystery cup was returned to normal by Elspeth. Elspeth thanked them and send them back to Earth. Brenda and Fred will qualify the guardian of the mystery cup. Everywhere return to normalcy. The plot ending with Brenda and Fred taking the responsibility of the guardians.
Inviting @vudeme123, @bossj23 and @usoro01


Thanks for reading


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