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RE: Application for Country Representative of Cameroon || by @fombae

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)

We can all attest to the fact that your leadership in steem Cameroon has been the birth of alot of good things. So with no doubt I am sure that the position of CR will be very safe in your hands. You work with heart and professionalism, and those are real values of a leader.

Anticipating to call you my new CR. GOOD LUCK with the application

 2 years ago 

@wase123, only sweet talk for you eh. If the steem team get to follow na your comment, then I done gentle noh. LOL. Thank you for your support.

 2 years ago 

😂😂😂😂 in sweet mop we love

 2 years ago 

I trust you noh

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