Steem Cameroon Best day contest contest 16/09/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello fellow steemians it is with so much excitement that I share with you my best day of last week. Last week was one of my busiest weeks yet and in the midst of all the ups and downs I had the opportunity to visit my home town kumbo though scary, I had the best experience after a very long time spending quality time with my grandma.


My best day of the week will be the Friday the 10th of September, this day was so special. Since my visit to the village was a brief my grandma decided to make the short time we spent together memorable. She started off early in the morning by preparing some hot pap which we all had for breakfast with some delicious bread. Then we decided to go for a memorial Mass at the kumbo cathedral to pray for the peaceful repose of the soul of an eight year old girl who was caught in a cross fire between the Cameroon military and the separatists fighters in kumbo and lost her life.


Her school and peers offered a mass for the entire community to pray for her and for peace in the land of kumbo. It was a very emotional mass led by the children's choir the sang melodious songs like angels.

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After church my grandmother took me and my little cousin to the town Square where she bought us soya and plantain and some juice we sat there and savored the very delicious and tender meat, on tasting it I realised it was so good and offered to get some more and we all ate together while chatting it was so much fun. Some hours later we returned home. Even though there was no electricity, I didn't feel bored for even a second throughout this day.


Once we got home we went straight to the kitchen where my grandmother prepared my favorite fufu corn and njama njama which I enjoyed very much, we stayed in the kitchen chatting and she sent my cousin to the farm by the house to harvest some fresh groundnuts, plums and maize for us to eat. He brought the items and we boiled the peanuts and plums and roasted the maize and ate together, this was so good, at this point I was already constipated, so my grandma brought some ripe paw paw which I ate and became very OK.


After feasting on different kinds of foods I decided we take photos and videos of my grandma to take with me as a souvenir of my short visit. It was so much fun, she opted to try out so many different outfits and slayed in all of them, soon after night came and we prayed and went to bed.

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