Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W2 | Gender visibility and enquality.

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago



Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! Today, I will be participating in the engagement challenge organized by steem Cameroon community. It is a very nice topic carefully selected by the admins and moderators of the community.


How can you help your community forge a gender-equal world?

This can be done by protecting women's health.
Supporting women's leadership will help reduce the level of gender enquality in the world.
Female children should be given equal attention as male children.
House chores should be shared based on the ages of the children and strength, not based on the Gender. It is unfortunate that some homes do not share any house chores to the male child but rather all the house chores is given to the girl and when these male children grow up with the ideology that house chores are done by the female gender, he will pass that ideology to the next generation and the same continues.
Husband should assist their wives at home so that their male children can learn from them and grow up to treat the other gender equally.

Source Husband who assist his wife in the kitchen helps forge gender equal world


Can celebrating Women's International Day increase visibility and equality?

Celebrating Women's International really increases visibility and equality.
Yesterday being the 8th day of March, was International Women's Day. A lot of people celebrated women's day and appreciated them for their goodness and hard work.
Husbands celebrated their Wives, as well as children celebrated their mothers, sisters, aunties, and so on. This really increases visibility and equality.

Source Celebrating International Women's Day will increase visibility


Are the Feminism fight and the Women’s rights fight the same?

They are the same. Feminism fights and human rights fights are movements that help put and end to the sexiest exploitation, oppression, and sexism with the aim of achieving full gender equality in the law and in practice.
These fight calls for women's rights to be honored and be given full access to their right, including the right to vote, right to health care, right and freedom from domestic violence and discrimination, right to education and equal access to opportunities and wage.


What do you say about women in top positions like presidents,
Parliamentarians, senators, CEOs (Chief Executive Officers), and COO (Chief Operations Officers)? Give possible examples in your country(community)

Women can make a good political leader as well as men do.
Women in the above-mentioned positions are doing very.
I have seen women as president elected, though not in my country of residence. But in my state of residence, I have seen women serving as deputy governors, and she did wonderfully well throughout her tenor.
In the federal and state ministries in my state and country, women are working in top positions like permanent secretaries and chiefs accountants.

I have also seen a good number of women as CEO of companies in my community.

You can read here about a woman in top position. Reference


What makes a good leader (Gender or merit)

Gender that is being a man or woman doesn't make or is not a quality of a good leader. What makes a good leader is self-awareness, respect, gratitude, and empathy, among others. Both gender can possess the above-mentioned qualities of a good leader.
A good leader is not by gender by merit.



I am thankful that there is no gender discrimination in steemit. All gender are treated equally irrespective of their tribe, nationality, and races.

I am inviting @manuelhooks, @oasiskp, and @okere-blessing to take part in this engagement challenge.

 2 years ago 


Ciertamente es así la educación es importante para que haya igualdad de género, la familia es el principal proveedor de valores y está en nosotros como padre educar sin distinciones y enseñando la igualdad de género.

Que las tareas del hogar sean compartidas y las niñas sean tratadas igual a los niños es una genial idea que te aplaudo. Eso haría un cambio.

Gran trabajo, tienes un Post bien detallado y comparto contigo muchos puntos. Las mujeres merecemos respeto e igualdad.

Buena suerte. Gran Trabajo.

Thank you so much dear @mayepariata for reading my post and appreciating my post. It means a lot to me.

I join you in thanking God that on steemit, we are one family. No discrimination.

I enjoyed reading your post

Good luck

Thanks dear friend for visiting my blog

 2 years ago 

You have done justice to this topic . A good leader is not determined by gender. I wish you Goodluck. I have participated if you time you can visit mine .

 2 years ago 

Yes I agree that women make amazing leaders as men do. Infact women know how to multi task which is a rare gift.

I believe supporting the women no matter where we find them, is enough visibility.

Thank you for sharing with us this beautiful piece ma.

See you at the top


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