The Dairy game, Monday 12/04/21

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Hi friends, i hope everyone is doing great and in good health, as for me I am doing so well.
Here's my Dairy game for Monday 12/04/2021, enjoy as you read on.
Mondays are usually a stressful day for me. I know this is ironical considering that i get to stay home on Mondays. So just how stressful are Mondays for me?. Well i will say, Monday is the only day in a week that i get to do all my house chores and every other idea or task that i had conceived within the week is always scheduled to be executed on Mondays.
So yes that's just how my Mondays are but this Monday wasn't too stressful as there wasn't so much work to do.
I started my Monday with the news.


I love watching the news because, it keeps me up till date with the recent happenings in the world.
Since almost everyone else in the Northwest region of Cameroon do most of thier chores too on Mondays, there is always a lot of pressure of water which makes the tap to seize flowing sometimes. So in other to avoid water shortage, i was up buy 6am and filling all the drums and buckets with water.
When I was done, i packed my dirty dresses and began washing them.
It took me about two hours to wash them all and by the time i was done, my stomach was grumbling due to hunger so i went into the kitchen to look for something to eat.


I found achu in the kitchen. Achu is my favorite dish and my mom prepares it as often as she can so as to keep me smiling 😊😁.
When i was done eating, i went back to work dry-cleaning the house, sweeping the yard, feeding the pigs and cleaning the poultry.
What can I say? there's never a shortage of work in my home so, you just stop when you think you are tired.
It was about 3pm when i decided that i was done with work for the day so I just took a bath and laid on my bed listening to music with my headset, and latter on switched on the Tv and watched a couple of movies till I fell asleep.

Thanks for reading.

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