The daily game 14/09/21. 25% of post payout goes to steem-cameroon

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hi steemit family, i hope you guys are doing fine. As for me, i am waxing strong. Remember when there is life, the is hope so if your today wasn't good, hopefully tomorrow will be.
Today wasn't really a good day for me, so i hope tomorrow will.
My day started and everything was going smoothly as usual. I woke up and the tap was flowing so I didn't have to go to the public tap or well to fetch water. This gave me some time to relax, before taking a bath and going to the market.

It was another ordinary business day at the market, until I heard two of my neighbors through curses and abusive words at each other and threatening to fight each other.

What's the cause of the problem?
Here's your answer.
Remember in my last post, i said that all shops in the bamenda main market build with plank, are being demolished and rebuild to equal sizes using cement. It was time for the shops of my three neighbors to be demolished and rebuild.Now the issue is that after thier shops were demolished, the man with the biggest shop, couldn't bare to see his shop being down-sized and added to his neighbors own so he decided to do something about it. It is alleged that he went and bribe a council authority so that just one shop will be constructed in the whole area where the three shops were.So when the builders came and build a foundation for just a single store, all hell broke loose and neighbors start pointing fingers. The market master called all the three store owners to his office, but the man who is been accused refused to come or to comment on the issue.The man is a pastor of a popular church here in bamenda.Now the saying no one is perfect makes perfect sense.The market master ordered that three stores of equal sizes be constructed and the was calm once more.

foundation of three stores finally constructed
When this drama was over, I ordered for some rice and stew.

It was afternoon so the food was already cold but I managed to clear my plate as I was famished.

After I had closed for the day, i headed home straight and went to feed my folws when i realized that one of them was sick. It had white dairrhea so I had to put it down because if I didn't it will likely die.

It was really painful for me because, i bought that fowl for 4000frs a chick and have lost two already. I boiled water and removed the feathers ,then left the fowl for my mom to do the rest and an hour later, I was eating Garry and okro soup with slices of my "late" chicken 😋


The worst part of my day.

When I had finished eating, decided to go online and check my crypto portfolio when I realized that it had greatly fallen.I saw this as an opportunity to DCA. DCA simply stands for Dollar cost Averaging, which is a technique of buying a particular coin at different prices over a period of time, so as to minimize loses.It is a loss mitigation strategy like stop loss.
The exchanger where I wanted to buy the coins ,is so I hurriedly transferred some BUSD of $50 to but when I opened my gate account, I realized that they weren't trading with BUSD anymore.

from the picture you can see that trading with BUSD is locked
My BUSD came in but it was useless in gate. I couldn't swap or withdraw it. And thats how I lost $50😭😭

I just went straight to bed heart broken.
Any idea on how I can retrieve it will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading.

 3 years ago 

Falling is inevitable in the human life but it doesn't definitely means failure, what brings failure is your reluctance to rise up from your fall and take another chance.. I love your mindset, for that's a mindset of an achiever. Giving up shouldn't be an option belove.. strive for tomorrows perfection.... Courage

 3 years ago 

Really bad to see how people want others to go hungry just so they can progress but am glad the matter was settled

 3 years ago 

Ooh 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️Sorry about the lost $50. Markets went bearish lately but it seems all is getting in place, we hope. Cameroon and corrupt people 😡

 3 years ago 

Ur day was a dramatic one eh. Starting from the market to ur chicken and right up to ur crypto market.
Take heart... It is well

 3 years ago 

Your write up is cool, and failure is part of success in life. So keep up

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