in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Hello steaming Steemians, I want to believe the day has been good so. If it actually has, I pray it stays that way and even gets better. See what made it good and leverage on it to make it even better. If it hasn't been the way you wanted, then just hang in there, every circumstance especially the negative ones is a perfect avenue for growth to those who can read between the lines.

Growth according to my lens🔎 is that phenomenon where a person is able to migrate from one position of low to a position higher and better that the former. This in effect should be witnessed not only in the physical bodily increase in height, size or age, but more so in other areas like cognition (mental), emotion, spirituality, finance, social (impact) and morality.

SourceModified by me on Canva

Contrary to popular views where it's understood that growth can be isolated, that for instance, one can increase in height without any significant increase in cognitive attributes and still call it growth, is a farce. I strongly believe in the holistic nature of growth. With this understanding, for growth to have been said to occur, all dimensions of that person must have evolved. Let's take for example, someone who has increased financially but socially isn't intelligent or mature, this will certainly lead to social ills such as arrogance, insubordination and what have you. Take another case; what do you think of a person who is spiritually awaken or strong but morally poor? Let's hear what your views are in the comment section, drop it there let's talk.

We all have the capacity to be whole, to be complete, to mature in all our embodiment. There sure is room for mistakes, but to the awakened, that room is the exact space to mend up, to blossom and for growth. Perfection is equally a myth, but the constant pursuit towards being a better person within, without and around is the exact ingredient that makes the whole human machinery worth being called sophisticated.

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Given the components of a bike 🛵 for instance, they would have no value if they weren't put together. Likewise, nobody is actually whole or complete if all dimensions of that being aren't working together in sync towards being better.

My fellow Steemians, I would love to encourage us all not to be unilaterally minded towards our growth, but strive to make every aspect of our being blossom. We can be great business persons, stable financially and be charitable or philanthropic, strive to be great spouces and be spiritually grounded etc,. That way, I believe we will live and experience life in a more complete way, enjoying all the powers given to us at creation; the power to love, to create, to be productive, to relate, to reason (think) and the power of submission to a higher being. That to me, is GROWTH. Let me know what your views are in the comment section. Feel free to differ, it's a learning process that will shape our growth.

Thank you all for reading through and catch you soon for more intrigue.

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