Creative Writing Contest Vol. 16 | Education: Education reforms I will put in place if you were made Minister of Education | 26/09/21

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)
Hello Steemians, its always a beautiful thing when given the opportunity to be a part of change. Change they say is the only constant thing there is, and when this change comes from a creative and developing stand point, posterity will only smile.

Screenshot_20210926-010028_FOTO Gallery.jpg" Source

"Education is both the act of teaching knowledge to others and the act of receiving knowledge from someone else. Education also refers to the knowledge received through schooling or instruction and to the institution of teaching as a whole." Source

Every society and Cameroon in particular has its realities, its challenges and therefore solutions have to be adaptable and indegenous. For any education to have value, it must be adaptable, dependable, transformative and must pave the way to solutions that respond to current realities. Due to the speed at which the society is evolving intellectually, culturally, and technologically, there is need for adjustments and amendments in the content and structure of the education system.

I've always believed tomorrows change to be initiated from the bottom and not the top, so if I were made Minister of Education, my education reforms will start from the basic educational sector.

Education Reforms

1st Reform

Proverbs 22:6 of the New International Version says

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

This directly implies that I will structure basic education such that skill sets and talents will be readily identified in each the pupil so as to easily orient them towards areas of interests as they grow older (architects, painters, musicians, mathematicians, engineers, medical doctors etc).

2nd Reform

I personally believe the best educational initiation is at home. Values such as respect, love, empathy etc, are most easily gotten from the family environment than any where else. Equally, most kids grow void of parental love and adequate bonding to parents due to early school age. This has been proven to affect them psychologically and emotionally as they grow causing shortcomings such as aggressiveness, low selfesteem, anxiety etc.

According to Child Trends – the leading nonprofit research organization in the United States focused on improving the lives and prospects of children, youth, and their families – science supports the idea that warmth and affection expressed by parents to their children results in life-long positive outcomes for those children.
Higher self-esteem, improved academic performance, better parent-child communication, and fewer psychological and behavior problems have been linked to this type of affection. On the other hand, children who do not have affectionate parents tend to have lower self esteem and to feel more alienated, hostile, aggressive, and anti-social." Source

As an education reform, i will thereby institute child school age to be as from the ages of 6, giving ample time for parents to groom and bond with their kids as required.

3rd Reform

Our reality indicates that we are a 3rd world, underdeveloped and highly indebted country. Ironically we are Africa in miniature and highly endowed with minerals, fauna, flora, water bodies, as well as the intelligence. There is no way a nation this rich could be this poor at the same time.
As an education reform, I will in the higher educational sector, institute competitive creative and innovative programs that aim at stimulating the creativity in students to seek ways of using our natural endowments to provoke development. This will enhance local industrialisation, engineering and technological advancements, causing increase in the consumption and exportation of local intelligence.

4th Reform

I will equally implement an obligatory funding and supervision of end of course projects in all chosen fields that respond to the currents ecological, technological, social,and economic needs.

The above reforms will be followed closely, their effectivenes will be constantly evaluated, modified and readapted to suit the country's needs at each level of growth.

Only when we get strong from within, can we be able to compete with the rest of the world.

Thank you all for reading keenly and I hope I made sense as you read. Having such creative and innovative contests and with great ideas from many great minds here on Steemit, I pray our educational system one day gets the colour its supposed to have.


 3 years ago 

Indeed the end of course projects should be checked. Some people defend projects with no knowledge of how its done. These are the first phases for success and other's projects are considered worthless but worst us they still defend and have grades. Who will design the Country projects after that?

 3 years ago 

Exactly bro

 3 years ago 

Your point is very clear and i share with you ,education starts home the the child is only polished in school..thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

Thanks, I'm glad it made sense

 3 years ago 

Funding and supervision for end of course projects sounds really amazing since it can inspire creativity and innovation.
The idea of investing in primary education in such a way that skill sets and talents are easily identified for better orientation is amazing. Education in Cameroon is too general in such a way that one is sometimes tempted to think it has no objectives.

 3 years ago 

We need a different, better and a goal oriented educational system.

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