in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

1 Modified by me on Canva

Good morning steaming Steemians. Hopefully you all slept well last night. How did your day end yesterday; discouraged?

You're very likely to start off from where you left it yesterday with the same steam or discouragement, if you begin your day from exactly where yesterday's memories ended. Do you like yesterday? You can improve it. Yesterday wasn't your best? Don't start from it. Memories are the kick-starters of everyone's day. You're starting today based on the memories dominating your mind this morning. God wants you to start different and higher from where it ended yesterday. No one manages your memory; you do. So, don't leave it to chance, else you'll live a life of chance.

"[His mercies are] new every morning: great [is] thy faithfulness" (Lamentation 3:23).

Not everyone knows that nor takes advantage of the mercies of the morning (or of a new day). Consequently, they keep living in the ugliness of yesterday. There's a very good reason why you slept off yesterday. There's a reason why the Lord gives night to all men. Regardless of the day, night gives everyone the opportunity to shut down, refresh, and bounce back higher. Unfortunately, not all men understand this. So, some people keep bouncing back from where they ended, and maintain unpleasant cycles in their lives; they never move on to new things. To abuse your morning is very likely maintaining the tempo of yesterday or dropping from it. It matters how you begin your day.

Today, take control over your life by intentionally taking control over your memory. The best way to begin is by meditating on God's love, even on His Word. You rise by your memory; and meditation is the way to choose and empower memory. Thought overrides thought. And every thought has its instruction and energy. Except you're mad, you still have significant power to control your thoughts and rule your life God's way.

This is one of the reasons meditation is prescribed to God's children as an always-do exercise.

Joshua 1:8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
-Joshua 1:8

Meditation exercises the power of control over thoughts. Something God wants you think about today will decide your emotion, actions, and results.

May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the Lord.
-Psalms 104:34

Thoughts decide sweetness. Hold this dear to you today, knowing that God begins from your thoughts and your day begins with your morning. Who you give your morning to will very likely decide your day. So, be wise and let God guide you to good success and fulfillment today. He is a leading God.

Have a BLESSED day indeed.

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