The SP Achievement Pledge Program Report | 625 Steem powered-up | December #SPUD4STEEM power up loading ....

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

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Four weeks ago, I pledged to hit 15K SP by December 31, 2021, and some of the things I resolved to do to achieve my pledge included;

  1. Powering up over 50% of my earnings as of the date of pledge, hence become a #club5050 member
  2. Separating The Greens Steem Bank Transactions from @thegreens' transactions to ease #club5050 calculations.
  3. Publishing at least 10 Posts per week
  4. Power up my account on a weekly basis
  5. Invest $1000 - $1500 in Steemit
  6. Support @thegreens with profits from The Greens Steem Bank to power-up
  7. Never power down my account within the pledge period

Today, I do a review of what I have been able to achieve ever since I pledged;

I have done 05 power-ups ever since I pledged to power up; powering up 625 Steem. Five power-ups mean I aced my objective of weekly power-ups. Below are links to the power-ups:
  1. #Club5050 Power Up
  2. #SPUD4STEEM Power Up
  3. #Club5050 Power Up 2
  4. #Club5050 Power Up 3
  5. #Club5050 Power Up 4

From November 01 till present, I have withdrawn 347.182 Steem but powered up 520.047 Steem which is over 50% of my earnings. This means I aced my objective of powering up over 50% of my earnings.

I have dropped over 50 posts on Steemit with over 15 of them set on 100% power-up. Over 50 posts mean I have aced my objective of 10 posts per week
I have created @thegreensbank to separate The Greens Steem Bank Transactions from @thegreens blockchain transactions. This went to effect on 01 November 2021 and ever since then, the transactions have been separate making it easy for my #Club5050 calculations to be done.

(From November 01 till present, I have withdrawn 347.182 Steem but powered up 520.047 Steem which is over 50% of my earnings. This means I am a #club75 member)

The Greens Steem Bank has wired 77 Steem to @thegreens to support her power-ups hence acing my objective.
And of course, I haven't and will not be powering down any time soon. I look forward to investing some finances for my account's SP growth in the days ahead.

I am 5540 Steem away from realizing my goal of 15K SP by the end of December 2021 and I am very optimistic that I will realize this goal.
From now till the 31st of November 2021, I plan to realize the following;

  1. Drop 21 posts on Steemit
  2. Power up on December 01; the Christmas #SPUD4STEEM edition
  3. Power-up 50% of my earnings #Club5050
  4. Support @thegreens with at least 30 Steem from The Greens Steem Bank
  5. Improve my CSI score to over 20 and leave over 100 feedback (comments) on Steemians' posts
  6. Complete the Steemit Crypto Academy Beginners Level Courses so that I can earn more rewards to power up my account as well as crypto knowledge to become a better steemian and Cryptopreneur
  7. Award +25 Steem to Cameroonian Steemians who will power up on December 01, 2021.

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The final edition of the Power Up Challenge for the year 2021 has been launched; the Christmas #SPUD4STEEM edition and you can start preparing to participate in this challenge by learning more about the challenge:


Ever since we launched, The Greens' Steem Bank has organized 19 Power Up Challenges with over 19,866.823 Steem powered-up and +100 Steem given as power-up rewards to participants of the Power Up Challenge. The Challenge has recorded a total of 130 entries from over 50 Cameroonian Steemians.

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Now is the best time to invest in Steem!

The Greens Footer.jpg
The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.

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