The Diary Game 6/6/2024😉💆‍♀️😊

in Steem Cameroon27 days ago (edited)


I woke up yesterday morning as early as 6 am after a tiring night 😴 trying to meet some reports. I did laundry, had something to eat, and then headed to the office. The early hours before 12 pm were quite challenging since I had worked almost throughout the night and got up by 6 am, meaning I had 4 hours of sleep. At the office, I struggled with sleep for a while until about 11 am, when I started feeling better.


I proceeded to watch a Youtube video by Brendon Burchard on 10 ways to improve communication skills. One of the things that struck me is him emphasizing that when communicating learning, honoring the other, and helping them improve should be at the back of your mind. Also, as someone who doesn't want to just talk but create great ambitious relationships, you should identify your triggers and deconstruct them. That is, find out what can make you lash out, what makes you impatient, what makes you shut down, etc. With this knowledge, you would work on them to ensure that you can sustain healthy communication even when the other says exactly what should trigger a negative emotion in you and affect the quality of your communication with them. He also made mention of approval, being a trigger and should be dealt with so that you are able to speak the truth regardless of who you are conversing with. Without any desire to prove yourself. This is so because each time you struggle to prove yourself, you would say things you don't mean and those things you should say, you wont say them.Thus reducing the quality of your input in that conversation. This is so far one of the best videos I have come across concerning communication.

So I closed from work and headed to church for a conference. The conference had its theme on vision. With the understanding that vision is the reason for being, there are laws to fulfilling every God-given vision. And one of the first is to be able to see. If you can see, then you've gotten for yourself a compass to travel through life. Another law that was mentioned is that of sound. That is to say, you cannot give your ear to anything and expect to be successful. You have to be selective as a visionary person and understand that the potential of a thing is determined by the demand placed on it by the creator. The demand can be that you become a cook, a doctor, pastor, counselor etc .And the lens for measuring success is whether or not you meet that demand. Thus everything you need to meet the demand placed on you is available, just awaiting your discovery. This is to say success is not magic. It would cost you something.And yes it is possible in this generation.

That was it for church. I went home from the church in the cold evening. Got the warmest clothes I could, had something to eat, watched movies 😁, and headed to bed.


I had quite an amazing day yesterday.

 27 days ago 

Greetings, you have to edit your title to Diary not Dairy*. Also edit your tags and used #thediarygame #newcomer #cameroon . You were absent from the training and I was told you went to church for choir practice. I hope your day was successful.

 26 days ago 

Thank You 🙏

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