The 03 Weapons Of Warfare For Genuine Christians

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago


About Genuine Christians Weapons Of Warfare

Hello There ,

Kind regards to all Steemian's .

The weapons in today's world are equally important compared to the olden days , more like an ancient era.

Today's world weapons appears to be more sophisticated compare to that , of an ancient world.

Truth should be unfold that , there are so many weapons belonging to difference kind of body and an organization.

But , here my total intention and concentration should be on about . The body of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Father our Creator's nature of an organization, weapons of warfare.

Today's world genuine Christian should get know that , they wrestle not against fresh and blood. But against principalities and powers in dark places and realms.

The true Creator and son Lord Jesus Christ did charge all genuine Christian to get , put on the whole armour . That , they should be able to survive as against the doing of the wicked from those dark places and realms.

Upon that , what any given genuine Christian should get know . Can be that , the weapons of their warfare are not carnal . But is being mighty in Christ Jesus himself , for the pulling down all principalities strongholds.

To get sum up , the genuine Christian weapons of warfare . Are those exercising of Christ approved to encourage and getting keep , all genuine Christian to get press towards the marked. Without wavering , staggering and looking back. Due to levels of an exercising powers from the wicked of the dark places and realms , in world of principalities.

The Nature Of Genuine Christians Weapons Of Warfare

Reality is that here I don't want let my write up get appearing more religious.

So , though religious is what the whole world can't actually get do without.

Here , I would get things very straight and specific .
The nature of Christians Weapons of warfare are no guns , no axes , no matchets , no bombs , no bullets and all of that . That has to do with complete war armour.

Instead the genuine Christian weapons of warfare are as follows :

  • Seasoning word of God

  • Thanksgiving and praises

  • Seasoning or ceaseless prayers

Briefly I would relates how those weapons do work when genuinely applying them , by any given Christians.

Do note , term Christian here can be said to be any given person's who do acknowledge . Lord Jesus Christ with or without being committed and consecrated to any religious activities.

That , being that the spirit which propels an individual for good works and do prevailing is by grace. Not with hardening in evil under kind of religious coverage and activities observations.

Seasoning Words Of God

The words of God are very powerful more than all available weapons on Earth . Both those during ancient world and the ones highly sophisticated today.

God is love and cares for all , because He's the Creator of all. So his lovely and most powerful words totally meant for all who acknowledge Him.

The powers gained from words from God do works through faith. And such as faith do come and get boost by repetitive hearing of same words of God.

The words of God as weapons , can work wonders in given believer's warfare . But , would get depending on such Christlike level of faith . Faith gain through words consumption.

Thanksgiving And Praises

Giving thanks over everything and every down things , can only propels God to get do more and come in for help.

So with timely and seasoning Thanksgiving and praises . Can do lift the hands of God to get do wonders and glorious things , over any given ugly situations in life.

Seasoning or Ceaseless Prayers

In Christian faith according to our Lord Jesus Christ himself . Prayers is the key , so the weapons of prayers is very important.

While praying acknowledge the finished worked of the only begotten Son Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.






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