in Steem Cameroon4 years ago

'' Labelling, or labeling, is defined as the process of attaching a descriptive word or phrase to someone or something. An example of labelling is the process of putting signs on jars that say what is inside. ''

WhatsApp Image 2020-12-05 at 12.46.53 AM.jpeg

I belief we’ve been called a variety of things/names throughout our lives. Some of them good, others not so much. It seems like from day one, we’ve been assigned label after label without ever having a choice or say in the matter.

These labels aren’t always a negative thing, however. As humans, we understand how words can be reliable tools for helping us make sense of the world. When we’re given endearing nicknames or are known for being exceptionally kind or talented, labels can be worn almost as a badge of honor. For example i am called in my place of work as ''SAX'' because i play the saxophone.
It is with no doubt that;

  • People will label you as lazy because you are homeless or fat.
  • People will label you as smart or hardworking because of your financial stability, because of the neighbourhood you live in, or even the car you drive.
  • You will be labelled as beautiful because you meet the societal standards of beauty (slim).
  • You will be labelled as ugly because you are fat.
  • People will label you as promiscuous because, in your quest for a relationship that makes you happy, you took longer than others, you broke many hearts and your heart was broken as well.


More often we label famous people by what they do and we shall also label community members based on the amount of SP (steem power) delegated to the community account @steem-cameroon.

Below is list of how labelling of members shall be based on.

SP delegatedLabel Given
50 SP[Member/Iron delegator/Level 1]
75 SP[Member/Iron delegator/Level 2]
100 SP[Member/Iron delegator/Level 3]
150 SP[Member/Iron delegator]
200 SP[Member/Bronze delegator]
250 SP[Member/Silver delegator]
500 SP[Member/Gold delegator]
1000 SP[Member/Platinum delegator/Level 1]
5000 SP[Member/Platinum delegator/Level 1]
10000 SP[Member/Iridium delegator]

If we don’t like the labels we see, state that label you want to get, then together we work so you get the amount of SP that is needed to get the label you and delegate it to the community account @steem-cameroon.

For example, if a teammate isn’t completing their tasks and it’s delaying our work, it’s far more productive to speak with the teammate and express what he need instead of labeling them as lazy.

In order to make delegation convenient, these quick links have been provided for a variety of amounts;



 4 years ago 

Labeling can serve as a demotivator, just as when done right, it can serve as a great encouragement to any community. what's most important is for each and every one of us to understand that when used well labeling will help us achieve a lot.
Thanks for these guidelines... Let's use them to encourage active members to continue to carry our work forward.

 4 years ago 

I just wish to propose that all Cameroonian Steemians should have a minimum delegation to the Cameroon Steem community.
When labeling sets in, people start thinking about rewards. How do you plan to reward your members who delegate?

 4 years ago 

The percentage of vote a member will receive is purely base on the amount of SP delegated.

As at now, since we are not many and just 2 persons has delegated SP to the account, every cameroon steemian will benefit 100% vote from the account until we get a good number of SP delegated to the account and also a good number of active Steemians

Thanks for this wonderful piece
Hope you have a great day
#steemcurator #steemcameroon

 4 years ago 

This is beautiful,i have nothing to add because everything has been well said by you .we will make the community a place to be
#steemcurator #steemcameroon

 4 years ago 

Wow, this great. I'm hoping to label in the days ahead.
Great job @steem-cameroon

 4 years ago 

Wow, I can't wait to be labeled, great initiative.

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