TIPS FOR BUSINESS PERSONS 07/02/2022 by @sirri2

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Once again I greet you all. I trust we are all doing great in this community . I wish to share with you some entrepreneurial tips because am sure it will really help some one.

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There are a number of people who have tried to do one form of business or the other and it failed simply because they do not know the tips to follow. Below are some business tips that can guide a business person .

Initiate new ideas.

As a beginner in business, try to bring up new ideas in the business world. Lets take a simple scenario that is common around us. Imagine that you want to start up a business in food stuff. It will be better for you to look for a stratgic area where there are few or no competitors in food stuff. But most people always do the opposite by doing copy and paste businesses beside their competitors which not good at all.

Look for an area that is well populated.

Operate your business in an area where you see obvious population that will always be in need of your services or goods. By so doing they will always run to you to demand for your service and you are bound to flourish because the population is there.

Be consistent

In business, you need to be consist in what to do in your field. There are some business persons who will agree that they have changed businesses to the level that they cannot count.
When they test one type of business and it is not moving for the start , they change and go for another one. There are some that will sit in the office or shop for time and just step out and cross a stick or chair at the door because there are no customers. Even in steemit, we need to be consistent in it in order to earn rewards. So the moment you arev constantly stepping out from your shop because you have been sitting for so long without receiving a customer could be the time that customers are coming. This could cause you to loose customers because they might feel bored checking for you from time to time and you are not there.

Have a welcoming habit

A business person should have a consistent welcome habit . Don't be that type of business person that scares away customers because of the way you behave. Some customers even prefer to take a 🚖 to the market because some store keepers behave as if they will not have any other place to buy apart from buying in their shop.

Be focused.

There is saying that "Rome was not built in a day". This means your goal will not be achieved in one day. Be patient in order to achieve your short term goals.

Be ready for sacrifice.

As a business person you should be ready to sacrifice time in your business. Understand that the time you normally spend with your family will reduce so that you can have enough time to attend to your customers .

Provide customer service.

This is also very important. Customer service, no matter how you look at it to be small, some customers value it so much so that it pushes them to always come back to you.

Thanks for reading .

 2 years ago 

Thanks so much for these beautiful's ever helpful

 2 years ago 

You are welcome dear

 2 years ago 

I just love this post so so much bro wow it's good I love business mindset on people your great more grace sir

 2 years ago (edited)

It's my pleasure

 2 years ago 

Wow amazing good writing there. You said it all

 2 years ago 

Thanks alot

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