Steem Cameroon Best day Contest: 18/06/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hi Steemians. Best days are often days that are special. They are marked by something remarkable and outstanding. It's often difficult to forget such a day. My best day for last week was Friday 11th June 2021. This day was marked by good news, and activities which I can't forget. Before this time, I had some problems with my boss and as a result, he gave my duties to my subordinate. He claimed I didn't finished my tasks on time and took more time to complete a given task. So he decided to give my task to my subordinate. This went on for a about a week and 4days. At home we were no longer communicating well. The atmosphere was really tensed and not really a good one.

I always tried being around when we were supposed to carry on a task but he will assign my assistant instead. Like every other human, it was normal for me to feel sad🤦🤦🤦. On Friday 11th, I got up from bed at about 5am, turn on my data and realised he had sent me the technical rider for the program we were going to run on Saturday. I was so surprised he was sending it to me since he hasn't been assigning me recently. My moral was immediately boosted😁😁. At 6am, I and my subordinate started parking the equipments out to the yard so we can put them in the cargo and transport to where the wedding will be taking place.

At about 8am, I cleaned up and left for school since I had a class. But before going to school, I met my boss in his room and apologized to him for my lazy habits and promised to changed. He forgave me and we were fine once again. When I got to school at 8:40am, the teacher was already in class. By 11:30, the madame was done.i immediately rushed home to meet the others so we can go for the setup. When I arrived home, I changed, put on my engineering attire and full with so power and excitement to be back in power I started commanding and giving orders to my other junior colleagues. It felt so good to be back in power. I felt the pride, the bossy habit, authority, and my other colleagues described me to be on a very "high gear"🤣🤣🤣. I also remember feeling like Palermo in "Money Heist".

When we arrived the wedding ground, we parked the instruments out of the cargo then we immediately position the speakers, and every other thing.
There after, I mounted the Line Arrays' stand. Hooked the Line Arrays (LAs) and lights on the stand.

We were done mounting and setting up the equipments at about 8pm. There after, we returned home. I was just so happy and excited that day. Being in power and carrying out my duties, are always my favorites and I so adore them. It's with no doubt that no other day would have been my best day rather than this one. I went to bed that day with a smile on my face.
Thanks for reading.✌️✌️✌️

 3 years ago 

Wow. You really had a busy day. I know setting up all those instruments isn't easy

 3 years ago 

It's a good thing you made up with your boss I can imagine how weird it was to see him and not talk to him..
So you've watched money heist too, Palermo is actually that kind of person. I now feel like watching the series again😂😂

 3 years ago 

Nice to hear that you are now in good terms, it's great for work and business,

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