Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W4 | An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone

My name is @shanza1 and I am from Pakistan I am good I hope everyone have Great time on steemit and this is my first post in this community.
I am very happy and excited to participate in this community this is really nice topic indeed to participate so I just take long time to make my content more valuable and informative for people so the people who read can get benefit from this post.
I think the main aim of the Contest should be people should learn at least something the people who are doing hard work and making post for this valuable platform.

*An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away *
What Do you understand by this statement?

  • This is not just a statement but a magical quote ... This statement was said by Benjamin Franklin and it is proved by so many researches if a person who eats apple a day probably he has less likely chance of going to see doctor.Means fruits and vegetables makes person keep healthy and go to doctor very rarely.

  • In the United Kingdom Even they celebrate the apple day which is celebrated on 21st of October from this we can understand the value of eating apple a day keeps the doctor away I think 💬 no further discussion needed after listening about the apple day...It means there is magic in eating an apple.


What practice/ Habbit you do to make sure you're healthy?
  • I have so many good habits for example eating healthy how I eat is actually as I already mentioned in some posts I have group of friends who are doctors so I eat healthy I have habit of eating vegetables and fruits and adding as well some mutton and chicken as well.


  • These are great source of the minerals vitamins and protein which is needed for our body.this not just keep me healthy but I also feel fresh and it keeps my skin healthy my hair healthy and overall I feel more energetic.I always prefer to eat balanced diet

  • Firstly I eat breakfast sometimes I totally skip and sometime I eat so wrong breakfast 🥞🍳 that I gained so much weight now just look my breakfast I try to keep as healthy as I can by eating carbohydrates , protein, vitamin and minerals rich which keep me full and I have less habit of eating again and again unhealthy food.
  • In my snacks I try to eat healthy and less sugar containing fruits which is important for my skin nail hair and good for immunity and I always try to eat every seasonal fruit chat so that I can have good and heathier lifestyle.



How did you discover these activities? Did you discover activities by yourself or someone recommended to you?


  • Actually I was overweight my weight was around 70 kg and I had start of short of breathing and lazy activities so then my friend take me to nutritionist and then she ask me to eat 3 small snacks and add vegetables and fruits


  • Don't skip breakfast and then I start eating small snacks for example I start eating baked sweet potato and it keep me full and I eat less and I had small meals and in between I have small snack and meals and I start balancing my weight and my weight start losing so quickly by adapting these activities and the. She ask me to stop eating junk food and so unhealthy oils and sugar bakery's products ,coke and much more.


What are the health benefits of these Habbit?
  • Protein are building blocks of our body and it's good for muscle mass and you need good fat and carbohydrates.Also need good amount of mineral and vitamin all this balanced diet you can only achieve by eating vegetables, fruits and salad .this protect you from so many disease.
  • You need good oil don't need bad oil which is bad for your heart and it long term you can also get many heart disease and you can stay healthy and happier.and skin healthy can perform in better way the activities.


Do you think everyone could engage these habit? Explain

  • I think everyone should have 3 meals a day which contains main portion Vegetables and should use green vegetables and eat fruits? Why should use because this is healthier balanced diet containing minerals vitamins carbohydrates protein and healthy fat.On weekend you can have cheat day and keep you healthy.


  • Vegetables are great source of fiber which also keep you away from constipation and keep you fit and more energetic.Along with that also walk 30 minutes a day. Develop this lifestyle early morning walking in green grass keep you away from stress and you feel mental relaxation.


What health tips would you give steemian?

  • I must say all my steemian family eat healthy balanced diet add fruit and vegetables in your diet.

  • Must do half hour walk daily in greenery to keep you put of stress.

  • Don't eat bad oil junk and fast food it is very unhealthy and keep you overweight and many disease you can get by this lifestyle.

  • Don't skip breakfast 🍳🍳 must eat breakfast add also Vegetables and eggs in your breakfast.

  • Must take green tea after every meal to keep you weight in balanced way.

  • Try to use Luke warm water to keep you circulation good and running flow.

I am inviting my friends to take part in this contest

@drhira, @ashkhan @suboohi




You have shared tips well but it's a shame you have to be disqualified because the images are not copyright free

@irawandedy no problem Sir we learn from every mistake next time I'll write and post better main aim was to give a little bit of knowledge about healthy lifestyle

 2 years ago 

doctor.Means fruits and vegetables makes person keep healthy and go to doctor very rarely.

Yes , we can say that apple has been taken as a refrence fruit to highlight the importance of fruits in general for maintaining good health.

I always try to eat every seasonal fruit chat so that I can have good and heathier lifestyle.

That's actually a same practice to enrich body with different nutritns .

Good luck

 2 years ago 

You have a very healthy lifestyle, dear. Keep it going! Something that I found outstanding about your post is the fact that you mention we shouldn't skip breakfast. I used to skip breakfast a lot. I did it for 8 years when I was studying and now I can feel how it affects the body.

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