Steemit Engagement Challenge| Season 8 Week 1| love is magical when it is secure

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)
Assalam-o Alaikum everyone .

Hope all of you friends are enjoying the joys of life and should be because happiness increases one's life and happiness shortens one's life and that is why we should always be happy. And without delay I start my work in this community first of all I want to thank all the people who introduced a great platform and first of all I will specially thank those people.@steem-cameroon
He worked very hard and chose a topic which is very special and has a very important role in our life.

Love is magical when it is secure


editing on canva

Love is magical

Love, if understood in its true meaning, can be called worship because if there is truth in your love and you cannot be deceived or cheated by anyone, then your love is the same. Which can turn into love, one partner sharing everything with the other partner and not hiding anything from them. It is called a love and in it the whole world is deceived, but many people's love is true.


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For example, Heer Ranjha Sassi Pannu Leela Majna and these people had such love that their love turned into worship. If it is done with a sincere heart as worship, then it becomes a material for you in this world and the hereafterThere is no limit to love and affection. If a person has fallen in love with another person, then he can never cheat on him in life and tells him every secret and that is the reason why people today call love A mockery but actually a worship in the truest sense

Do you feel secure when you are in love ?

I will always say yes to this word because love happens to a person only once and if it is true love then it becomes your worship. In love I always consider myself safe and that is why love is the health of that person. There are two things that are done that take care of health and also take care of your life. In this, I have added two things: health and life. This is the reason that if there is health, then there will be life. Our life needs a lot of security. This is the reason.


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If you are in love with a person, first of all you should be sure that he is a true person. Ga and I've been through the same moment and I've been through love. I could never have any kind of doubt with her because she answered all my questions and answered every question. I also took care of her every need. If he needed anything, I would have been there for him. What is the first thing you should pay special attention to in love? Money should not come into your love. If money comes into your love, then your love is true. It won't happen, it will be completely false. This is the bitter truth that I am telling you and it is really a great truth that many people turn away from. They think that we have fallen in love but there is no truth in it. It is a complete lie. Love is only one thing if it is treated as worship.

Give three scenarious where this ,statement is true love is when it is secured,

  No 1 Love and the reality of both of you

In love, you should pay special attention to these three things. The first thing is that your relationship is based on the truth of both of you and you have to express it. You should never lie to yourself. What you have to endure is something that you don't even have to put up with because it could cost you. If you care about your life, then your love is not true because Love is the only name of truth and the name of trusting the other partner


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   No2 Love of body and soul

This is a fact that many people are afraid of. It is very important to mention it because love is the name of truth and you cannot love another partner's body but his soul must be loved and if If his soul is in love, then your soul and his soul will become one, your thoughts will be similar to each other and you will never make any mistakes without knowing it. For example, if If you make a small mistake, then your other partner will not mind you because he will love your face and not your body and in today's time it is very important to tell this fact if it is possible. So I am telling you the truth in this that really everything in it should be based on the truth. You can never cheat or play with each other.

  No3 Let your relatives know
  the truth of your love

Relatives finding out about your love is a fact that you can't turn away from. A girl's life is in danger if you satisfy your relatives or keep them away from your love. First of all, you have to take special care of your relatives, because this matter is in front of you, because when your relatives know about this love, then the biggest punishment that has to be suffered is the girl who has to suffer because she is everyone's friend. It gets noticed and people start hating it and those who are in the community don't think it's a good thing, but you should come forward first and you should come forward and support it if you like that. If you do, your love will win, otherwise you will be ruined forever

What are the impacts of this statement On your your friends , your family and society?

We should take special care of these things. I have already told you that in love you have to take special care of your relatives, friends and your society and that is why if we take these things into consideration, your Love will also become your worship and you have to satisfy everyone. For example, if you have a good friend, he will be satisfied with your love because he will understand you. Just like your friend is a true friend, so your love is also true and can never deceive...)


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We can inform our relatives about this because they consider their happiness in your happiness and we can also inform our parents and our family members about it because love is not only with one other partner. Love can be done even with your family. You should take care of people. Love cannot be seen from one aspect. They can be seen from all aspects. For example, you have to take care of your friends and relatives. You also have to take care and you have to take care of the people of the society in which you have lived so that many people are not upset because of you, but you should always talk to other people with love and affection. Love helps to make even your enemies your friends and love is such a thing that you believe that your enemy will be forced to love you if you talk and treat him lovingly. Indeed, love is a posthumous act of worship and there is no room for falsehood or falsehood in it, and there is no room for any kind of falsehood in it. There is no room for doubt


Love is a truth that no one can lie to another person, it shows your love and it is very important to tell that a person should love another person based on the truth, if your love is based on the truth. No, your love will only be for another person's body, then that is not your love, your deception is a lie and only close. Love always teaches the truth.You don't just have to read this post, I also have to tell the truth and support me by voting

Finally, I invite friends to participate in this contest to play an important role in their love and teach us more.
@suboohi @josepha @kouba01 @malikusman1



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