THE DIARY GAME : DATE 26-01-2021steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Greetings Steem World,

After the long weekend(Sunday and Monday), One will finally step out of the house. So early this morning by 3am, i was up from bed to prepare for this week and most especially work today because If i know what i need to do ahead of time, i will know exactly where to dive in as soon as i get started. First things first, i made up my bed, had my morning meditation for about 30minutes. I later went to my wardrobe, pick out the dresses i am going to wear the whole this week and iron them and kept them separately.

When i was done, i did some exercise in my room and before i could realize was already 6am. I went out of my room to prepare for work. I first of all went to get some water from the back of our house from our well with my elder brother, which we used some to feed the pigs in my fathers pig farm and later kept some home for general usage. When i was done, i had my bath and get set for work, but before going, i went to the kitchen to eat something before going to work. My mom had prepared "Water Fufu and eru" early this morning and she was also feeling unwell. So after she prepared the food, she went to the hospital for consultation.

I ate and before going, i received two phone calls. The first one from a event planner who wanted me to come play for a birthday today by 12pm. I told her that she ought to have informed me days back about the birthday so i could include it in my program for the day. She pleaded but there was nothing i could to and so i said No.

The second call was from my mom who left the house early this morning to the hospital but forgot the money she had to use to do the consultation and buying of drugs. She first of all ask if i am home which i said yes, after which she directed me to where i can get the money and bring it to her at the hospital.

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going to the hospital

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water fufu and eru

I left the house and went to the hospital and gave her the money. Left the hospital again and trekked to my job site since it was not far. I finally arrived the office by 10am, explain to my boss why i came late, after which i went back to my work desk, set up my machine, filled my todo list and commenced with work for the day. Before i started work, Today was my turn again to use the @steemcurator04 account to curates contents in Steem Cameroon Community, So i spend about 30minutes reading and curating post.

When i got to the office, one of our clients had visited us, gave a bottle of pee nuts to @fombae, which he also gave me some to eat while working.

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By 11am, i continued with my for the day. I sat in front of my laptop for about 4hours, during which @fombae had left the office to go get his daughter from school.

While i was busy doing my work, he came back with a flask of food from his house for me, saying that his wife @chant gave him to come give me. As if she knew i was suffering from an unending sequence of agonizing hunger. hahaha.

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food in plastic bag

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Without waist of time, i immediately remove the food from the plastic bag, went to the kitchen, washed my hands, brought some plates to put the food in. I later close my laptop and kept it on one side on my desk and ate the food(fufu and katikati)

With so much joy, i thank @fombae for bringing the food to me after which i message his wife on whatsapp thanking her for the food.

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I later carried the plates to the kitchen, joined them with the unclean ones that was there and wash them all together.

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By 4pm, after my food had digested, i resumed back to my work and by 5:30pm, i closed from work and went back home.


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