THE DIARY GAME : DATE 24-01-2021steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Hello Steem World,

Its Sunday, and my Sundays always rotate around church and service to God. This Sunday was quit unusual for me as i was not even feeling as to go to church this sunday. I got up from bed, did my regular morning routines and house chores, but was not feeling like going to church. So since i am the music coordinator in my church, i called some friends of mine, directed them to my church to help me cover the church service.

They accepted to come thinking i will be there with them. When they got there by 9am and couldn't find me in church as the church service always starts at 9am, they called me asking where i am and i told them i am still at home and i am not going to come for service today.

They told me if i am not coming, then they are gonna go back. That they were coming thinking that i will be there. I was put in a state of confusion knowing that if the go back, they wont be any music in church today during praise and worship which is not good at all.

So i hurriedly went to the bath room and had a shower after which i dressed up, and left for church. I left the house with my kid brother but we dont fellowship in thesame church. So while he was going to Full Gospel Mission, a church not far from our house, i took a bike to our church.

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I arrived the church by 9:50am and met my friends standing outside and was about going back if i dont come. I explained to them the reason why i didn't feel like coming to church after which we all enter the church together just before praise was about to start.

I was playing the Bass guitar while my friends Randy and Bless where playing the Keyboard and Drums respectively. Music indeed brings joy to my sole but i was not feeling myself.

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After praise and worship, the church choir came up for a powerful ministration afterwhich the pastor mounted the pulpit and was Talking on the Theme: Taking over Your Territory. He started preaching from about 11am to 1pm. When he was done preaching, we collected church tithes and offerings, after that, we entered another moment of prayers for about 1 hour.

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We finally closed from church by 2:30pm, i left from the church, trek some distance to where i can get a taxi for my music rehearsals which usually takes place every sunday. We usually start by 1:30pm but i cant leave the church before closing time and go to the rehearsals.

3pm i was there and we had some new members who joined the team, very talented and also a call to work for me. Rehearsals was very brief and straight to the point as we have been invited for a praise and worship program within the week which starts this Wednesday even thou i really doubt if i will be able to make it due to work. By 5pm, we closed from rehearsals and i went home and called it a day.

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coming back from rehearsals with @nickzy

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