THE DIARY GAME: 04/04/2021 Happy Easter Sunday...

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello Steem World...

In summary, Easter Sunday is a day of celebration for us Christians. On this day, as mentioned in the New Testament in the Bible, Lord Jesus Christ had resurrected from his tomb or the grave where He was buried. The Savior was crucified on the cross by the Romans. Christians all over the world call the week before Easter Sunday as ‘Holy Week’. It starts with Palm Sunday when the Lord revisits Jerusalem.

Usually, every Easter sunday every year... The music band which i am part of usually organize a Musical Concert celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. The program is usually titled "THE MASTER EASTER", and this was the forth edition of the program. Guest Gospel ministers where invited from some other regions of Cameroon to be part of this great celebration as well as some dance group.

So when i was up from bed, i did my morning meditation as usual, made up my bed and later went to get some water from our well with my brother which we later used some of it to feed the pigs and kept some home for general usage. Before i had my bath, i went back into my room, took out the cloth i plan on wearing to church and iron them. After ironing them, i later went and had my bath, came back to my room and dress up in the clothes i had ironed, after which i went to the kitchen to get some food to eat before going to church. My mom had prepared rice and tomato stew which i ate some as i really had a long day.

I left the house for church service with one of my friends and my brother @tjean to church thou my brother was going to a different church. I left with friend, we trek some distance and when we got to the road, we took a bike to church. We arrived by 9am which i normally late as we had to be on time and do some sound check before the start of the service. Unlike other sundays, service started at 9:20am instead of 9am, which gave us some time to do our sound check as we were late.

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My friend is a good Drummer and so he was playing the drums while i was playing the saxophone Church from start to end was awesome right from opening prayers, praise and worship and the message of the day.

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The pastor today in summary was preaching on the topic "Testimony" and the different types of testimonies as well as the benefits which follows after you testify. He started preaching from around 10:30am to 11:15am, 45minutes message after which we prayed and closed the service by 12pm.

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After church service, i put my saxophone in its bag, left with my friend to the Music concert we had today. The program was to start by 2pm, but i had to be there on time so the microphone of my instrument is set up and tested with other instrument. When i arrived the venue around 12:30pm... work was still going on connected and setting up the sound and so i had to wait for a while.

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The hall was empty at the time. But after the setting up of everything and doing of sound checks, the hall was already full before the start of the program. The program had was to start by 2pm but due to some delay, we started at 3pm.

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Our uniforms were to be given to us at the venue due to some delays. Before the program could start, i changed the dress i was putting on and dressed in our uniforms.

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I thank God the program was a success thou we started late. We had 13 song to sing, 4 guest ministers and a dance group. We ended the program by 6:30pm when places were already getting dark. We left the hall, allowing all our instruments to come park them up on Tuesday since mondays are always a ghost town in bamenda.


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 3 years ago 

That's very full and happy hall @saxopedia and your outfits look gorgeous. Looking at the pictures you can see the event was a great success. Happy Easter and may the joy of Easter continue to live on.

 3 years ago 

That's very full and happy hall @saxopedia and your outfits look gorgeous. Looking at the pictures you can see the event was a great success. Happy Easter and may the joy of Easter continue to live on.

 3 years ago 

The program had was to start by 2pm but due to some delay, we started at 3pm.

It a thing with African events, the events that respect time so far as of now are diplomatic events. An example is any event that President has to show up, time is a number one factor to be respected. Well was a great event giving the number of participants at the end. Having an empty hall during such events is not a good sign.

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