@santosbass2: What to do after an attack 10/10/21

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Greetings dear steemians how are you doing today?. I will write to you what you can do after you’ve been attacked especially at home.


An attack as defined by oxford dictionary refers to an aggressive act taken against a person. Before an attack always occurs, there are some few observations that must have taken place by the aggressor for quite a long period of time. Imagine you keeping your 1million product exposed everyday or allowing the window open🤔 . When people see it, there are some thoughts which begins with Desire, Opportunity, then Ability sets in which leads to property displacement .

Also, do you know just this video games tells an outsider the kind of property your holding??? However, when you keep stuffs like laptops in a careless or around the compound that’s another attraction.

Make sure you keep your valuables in secured areas in the house.

Now, when you are being attacked, what do you do?? Shout? Fight back? Or collapse 😂❓. Simple, when you’ve been attacked, just obey what ever the thief says don’t do more don’t do less just satisfy him by following his instructions in order to be safe. If he says seat you seat don’t stand else you might loose your life. After the thief goes out, call the police but making sure you don’t discuss with anybody apart from the police lock up your door till the police arrives and be prepared to answer questions like , who was around during the incident?, what time it took place, describe the man, what property was taken?. Make sure you don’t touch what ever the thief had touched.

Thanks for reading.

 3 years ago 

Hmmmm this is somehow a good strategy but sometimes we are unable to hold ourselves we just shout or me I can just collapse 😁🤣🤣🤣 anyways thanks for this

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for this helpful post. But eh…I’m sure in that situation I’ll just start crying😂

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

I didn't know u could have sense like this 🤣. Anyways thanks for the share

 3 years ago 

After the thief goes out, call the police but making sure you don’t discuss with anybody apart from the police lock up your door till the police arrives and be prepared to answer questions like , who was around during the incident?, what time it took place, describe the man, what property was taken?. Make sure you don’t touch what ever the thief had touched.

This is whiteman country standard. It doesn't apply here oh😂🤣

Love the write up. Very educative.

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