@santosbass2: Creative Writing Contest Vol.18 How Farming Is Being Done In My Community And The Different Kind Of Tools Used 14/10/21
Shout out to y’all, welcome again to another contest which am well pleased to write about. How farming is done your community.
To begin with, farming can be defined as planting of crops in order to harvest during harvest seasons for both consumption and marketing. Farming is very important aspect in human life because the fruits of farming feeds the world at large.
In my community, farming begins in the dry season with molding of bed ridges then planting takes place be it beans, Irish, corn, cassava, yams, pumpkin 🎃.
After that, towards rainy season, when rain must have fallen people go to the farm and by that time, the crops must have grown then weeding takes place that is, we remove unwanted grass so it won’t spoil our crops. Then we redo bed ridges and make it moisturized.
Then when it’s time for harvest, we gather ourselves in numbers and harvest the crops then do a selection of the food and bad ones especially beans and corn. After doing that, using corn as an example we select the ones to be tied and use for corn fufu and pap😊. Then we load up in the vehicle.
Then after harvest, we clear the farm so that’s we can use the farm for the next farming season.
Tools Used In Farming
In farming, we use dig axe especially in areas where it’s stony, we use hoes, rakes in order to remove cleared up grass, then in modern developed countries, trucks are being used in farming which makes it easier than man labor.
Below is an image of the fruit of farm produce we got from our farmland.
Thanks for reading.
Clearing the farm immediately after harvest is easy and reduces work for the next planting season
Wow the harvest was really fruitful.
Your write up gives me huge nostalgic feeling. Farming has always been my best part growing up. Loved climbing trees n all.
The harvest is huge. We thank God.
Nice write up but I got a question
Does it mean after you are done with harvesting and clearing the farm you don't cultivate dry season beans??
I see your main crop is maize.
We do clear our farms too after harvesting but that is done to replant beans.
I can still see fresh maize sir. I like your choice of farming tools and the process.