Is The Growing Popularity Of Technology A Curse To The African Population?

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

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Warm steemit greetings to everyone in this community and happy new year to us all. Today, I bring to us my first writeup of the year 2022 on the growing popularity of technological advancement- whether it's of great advantage to an average African man or of disadvantage.
Recently, the growth of technological advancement has been making rounds on the media. These advancement has been observed in the field of Artificial intelligence Internet of Things, Software development and many more. This growth to the western world is considered as an advantage while to an average African man, I see the growth as a disadvantage because of the negative effects it will bring.
For example, artificial intelligence (AI) is already transforming how companies and businesses execute their operations and communicate with their customers. Using human-like computers, companies have begun automating most of the functions previously done by humans because AI can perform them much better, faster, and efficiently. For instance, the recent inventory of fully automated self driving cars by Tesla.Inc, LUC, FORD etc have already pushed out a great number of people out of their jobs and it might do more in the nearest future.
In the medical field, patients are already saying they would rather prefer a robot as a surgeon than a human since they believe robots that are properly programmed are less liable to make mistakes than humans. And with effective implementation of these surgeon robots, it will render a good numbers of doctors jobless. Other fields in which robots are greatly rendering ( will render) Africans jobless is the Banking sector, Agriculture, Accounting, Soldiering, Security and many more.
Nevertheless, for us Africans to escape this mess, we have to start learning soft skills such as Lawyers, Chief executives, Scientists, Clergyman, Psychiatrists, Event planners.Coding, Graphic designing, Printing as these jobs can't be replaced with artificial intelligence.

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