Steemit Engagement Challenge S8W4/ An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago
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Hello friends,

It's good to be back again. Last week was amazing as we had a very interesting topic on smoking kills. I enjoyed writing and the feedbacks I got from my entry shows that smoking really kills.

This week we go again with another interesting topic on "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away". I know you would like to know my thoughts on this topic, well that's why am here.

What do you understand by this statement
baby-gc55fedba6_1920.jpgA child eating apple source

"An apple a day keeps the Doctor away"

I would start by saying the statement above is figurative sentence which means the sentence may not literally mean exactly what it says. But on the second hand I would like to show you something.

An apple is a type of fruit right? And we know that fruits does alot of work to the human body like helps in building our immune system which in turns protects us from sickness and diseases.

While A doctor is a person in the field of medicine that treats people when they are sick.

This simply means if you take in fruits you would have strong immune system that won't make you sick and you won't need a doctor. Hahaha.

But really the statement "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" simply means taking good care of your health daily, will cause you to stay healthy so that you won't need to fall sick or visit the hospital.

Taking care of oneself is not just about taking apples or even eating fruits. They are great health habits we can cultivate to keep us in check. You don't expect to be careless about your health and not fall sick. You will agree with me that there are several things that cause people to fall sick.

What are some Practices /habits you do to make sure you're healthy? (State and give the importance in your own words)

Staying healthy is one of my top priorities in life. In other to stay healthy I have developed some habits that helps me achieve that. Take a look at some of these habits;

  • I take a walk:
IMG_20220711_074007_302.jpgmyself ready to take a walk, gotten from my phone gallery

Do you know that walking is a form of exercise? Do not limit your thinking to feeling that when the word exercise is mentioned, it's either you are jogging or you are at the gym No!

Over here in Nigeria I have formed a habit of walking, we call it trekking. Sometimes you don't need to take a bus to that place you want to go to, just walk I'd the distance is not too much. Atleast 20 mins - 30mins walk is good for a day. You can do it.

Taking a walk helps you loose some excess fats in the body. Because when we walk, we sweat which shows that we are actually burning some fats. Taking a walk also helps the flow of blood in your body because the heart is inspired to work.

  • I drink water alot
bottle-g20608592d_1920.jpgwater poured into a cupsource

Water is so natural yet it works wonders. Drinking water all the time helps my body system works well. Water aids digestion, water refreshes, water helps in skin glow. Water is natural medicine to the body, don't forget that.

  • I eat balanced meal
IMG_20230101_165027_710.jpgpicture of a balanced meal taken from my phone gallery

There is a difference between eating and eating a balanced meal. A balanced meal contains all that our body needs in the correct proportion. This means that the quantity of food must not be big to be called a balanced meal.

Eating a balanced meal provides our body with the necessary ingredients to stay healthy and fight diseases.

  • Fruits and vegetables
IMG_20221128_183854_356.jpgbanana fruit, gotten from my phone galleryIMG_20230318_144354_724.jpgsliced vegetable

Fruit and vegetables are another secret of my staying healthy. Do you know that there are fruits you eat and some certain sickness won't come to you? For instance my favorite fruit pineapple. I eat pineapple to prevent my body from having fever. I guess you didn't know that pineapple works wonders with fever right?

Fruits and vegetables helps our body to produce back some of the lost cells in our body. This also contributes to people looking younger.

How did you discover these activities? Did you discover the activities/habits by yourself or someone recommended them to you?

Taking a walk as a good activity to keep me healthy was recommended by my friend back when I was in School many years ago. She always left the house every morning and evening just to take a walk. She told me it's many benefits and I adopted it.

I discovered drinking of water alot by myself. I noticed it works many years ago. While growing up I always loved to drink water while some person's around me didn't like drinking water. With time, I noticed those person's began to have some difficulties like excreting. I realized drinking water was a good practice.

Eating balanced meal, fruits and vegetables was recommended to me by a mentor. He always told me about the importance of feeding well, eating right and taking care of myself. After I fell i sick one time , I vowed to take the recommendation of my mentor . Now I don't joke with what I eat.

What are the health benefits of the habits

Health benefits of taking a walk daily

  • Taking a regular walk helps us loose excess fats in our body and keeps us in top size.

  • Walking helps regulate blood floor in the body and reduce the risk of heart attack.

  • Walking helps to keep us flexible and our bones stronger.

Health benefits of drinking alot of water

  • Drinking alot of water helps to cleans our body from harmful substances taking them out from our body.

  • It helps to keep to increase digestion of our food.

  • Reduces the risk of having constipation

  • Prevents sickness like Pile

Health benefits of eating a balanced meal, eating fruits and vegetables

  • A balanced meal, fruits and vegetables provides our body with all the needed vitamin and nutrients to fight sickness, keeping the body immune.

  • Replacement of old or lost cells in the body

  • Provides the body with ability to heal fast when there is an injury.

Do you think Everyone should engage in the habit? Explain

Yes I think everyone should engage in this habit. Taking a work is not so stressful. You can decide to do it on your way back from work or on Saturdays. Instead of always entering a bus all the time you can decide to walk some journey and then enter a bus to complete the journey. Imagine when you do it for one month?

Eating balanced meal fruits and vegetables is so good and it doesn't cost so much. So I feel everyone can engage in it. You can decide to eat fruits atleast 3 times a week for a start. You don't need to eat big quality of food for it to be called a balanced meal just eat the necessary things.

What health tips would you give steemians

There are alot of health tips I would have loved to recommend but for the sake of this contest here are a few I recommend;

  • Form a habit of eating well, but don't eat too much

  • Sleep atleast 1 hour every afternoon

  • Drink water instead of soft drinks after eating.

  • Exercise atleast 3 times a week.

  • Your breakfast is very important so eat breakfast.

  • Fruits are good so eat fruits after few hours after meal.

Thank you for reading I invite my friends to join this contest @lhorgic @ishayachris @okere-blessing

 2 years ago 

So beautiful and amazing. Sometimes i wonder how the life of doctors will be if we all can be fit and healthy. Nevertheless, i believe it is not possible for humans to be healthy at a time. But as stated, he who take good care of his or her self have a high chance of staying away from doctors. I wish you good health dear.

 2 years ago 

Yes your opinion is vital and makes sense! But taking steps to stay healthy is worth while

Your comment has been supported by @pandora2010 from team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 10%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.
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 2 years ago 

Nice write up .No wonder you are always looking healthier and younger eating balanced diet is good. Babe that trekking is also good costly transportation has also forced me to be trekking this days.ThankGod is good for our health hahaha.

 2 years ago 


I totally agree with your opinion, There are some similarities in our views on this topic
We wish you good luck with this contest
I have also participated for it 👏

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your thoughts. I will check on your post


Your post has been supported by @pandora2010 from team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 40%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.
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 last year 

Thank you pandora2010

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