Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W5/My Parents, My Heroes

in Steem Cameroonlast year (edited)
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Hello friends,

It's good to be here again. Week 4 was amazing and here we are in week 5. Engagement Challenge so far has been wondering enabling more activeness within users.

In your words explain what you understand by Parenthood

family-gda01db6ac_1920.jpgkid with parents source

The word parenthood is an all encompassing word. It consist of the word parent and hood. The word parent simply means a person who is responsible for a child or children. A parent sees to every affairs of the child including feeding, caring, providing, supporting, nurturing and guilding.

Generally, the term parenthood is a distinctive term use to classify any one who does the responsibilities I have mentioned above.

Parenting is not an easy task, sometimes the journey is not sweet, other times it seems interesting. So much to be learnt in the field of parenting. Personally, I feel parenthood is both skill, grace.

Been a parent doesn't just involve biological conception of a child. There are people who I have seen that were not biological parents of a child but succeeded in training and bringing up the child until the child became an adult. Now that's parent hood.

Tell us about your heroes (parents) for example what you usually do together, their importance to you

Screenshot_20220102-104922-1_1.png my lovely Dad, taken from my phone gallery

Good Parents are heros and guess what? My parents are no exception. My parents are my heroes, they turn up for me when no one does and in the least expected times. They are as though they have some kind of super powers to do just whatever I need.

My parents were my first teachers. I practically leant so much from them just watching them. My parents nurtured and cultured me to be the young woman I am today.

My parents were there for me when no one was. They stood by me, corrected me when I went out of line and made sure I had the right trainings, worthy of representing them in the society.

My mum loves story telling so every night after dinner she would seat I and my siblings and tell is stories of her childhood, children stories, and other stories. My Dad and mum often take us to the farm each time we visit our village. My parents loves farming, they like cultivating plants like yam, cassava, maize and groundnut. We all go to the farm together to plant those crops from start to finish.

My parents are important personalities in my life and some times I wonder how my life would turn out without them. It's been from one step of growth. They practically modelled a good life for me and thought me basic life lessons. My parents also thought me basic ethics and courtesy. My parents are important to me because they are a major building block that makes up my life. They contribute to my daily joy.

What are the major roles of parents to you
assist-ge8c7146c0_1920.jpgA parents hand assisting the hand of the source

Parents plays vital roles to the upbringing of a children. My parents has played important roles in my life and they are still playing roles in my life.

Growing up my parents played the roles of a teacher. The taught me academics and regular stuff. My dad would always gets books for me to read wither it relates to my age or not. He just wanted me to be vast.

Parents like I said plays important roles. Parents nurture and gives support to their children. Aside bringing me forth to this world, my parents kept nursing me such that they provided all I need for my growth. They provided me with support. Even when no one believes in a child, parents believes in their children, giving then all the necessary support.

Parents are important because they provide protection and roof over the heads of their children. Some times I imagine a kid without parents. It not the job of a child to protect himself at that tender age. parents are to provide protection over harsh Weather Condition and even harm

Parents build and correct children..they way a parent choose to correct a child matters alot. My parents didn't correct me in the best ways but Al in all I knew it was only a means to correct my mistakes and make me better.

Another role parents play in a child's life is to provide for the child. Parents provide all sorts of things like clothing, feeding, and other things inclusive. Parents see to it that their children do not lack any good that will help you grow their kids. My parents played such roles in my life and that is how I know this for a fact.

Do you see parenthood as a scam?

I just wonder why in the world I would see parenthood as a scam. No I don't see parenthood as a scam. Infact I see it as a full time job that deserves an award.

Parents especially good parents continue to play roles in the lives of their children till they are no more. Parents can even okay some vital roles in decision making of where the child schools or what job to do or which city to move to. Parenthood isn't a scam and should not be seen as such because parents put into so much energy, strength, wisdom, and finance to grow their children.


Am not a parent yet but at least I have witnessed what it means to be one. I also have parents who have done so well in my life.

My parents are my hero's they have shown up for me many times when I thought not possible to get out of a situation. I love them.

I would like to invite my friends to tell me what they think about this topic @ishayachris @ruthgold @mato445


Parents have a tremendous war in creating the future of a child. It started early. Good education is education that is able to apply good values. Good luck for the contest. I have also participated in this contest.

 last year 

Indeed parents always parve the way for their children providing all the necessary things needed.

Thank you for your visit


Definitely parenthood is broad term which are not only responsible for nourishing, caring, but aldo built the personality of their children.

Our parents are role model for us we always follow them to become good in our life.

Parents love and affection never ended but its endless ever.


 last year 

Hi @drhira

Yes parents love and affection never ends and this is still a mystery to me because no matter how the child misbehaves and rejected by all, parents always sticks closer.

Thank you my friend

Yeah dear friend parents love is without any limits. Thank you for visiting my post and such a lovely comment.

 last year 

Friend you are right that it is not much is your task to be a parent. We can say that it is easy to be a parent but if we talk about that which is very responsible loving the caring then these things are not very easy to follow for the lifetime for their children and there are also many more responsibilities of the parents.

You are right that parents are the one who stand with us when no one stands mean whatever the situation present in our life our parents never leave as alone and hence they are the biggest blessings and real heroes in our life that we have in the reality.

At last I want to say that we should respect our parents and we should value them and we should be pray for them that may they be with us for the lifetime because there is no life without the parents. Thank you so much for your participation


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