in Steem Cameroon3 years ago
Hello steemians,

Its so good to here, infact am super excited to be a part of this contest titled "my role model" so i must n't fail to say thank you to @saxopedia for organising the contest. Also i want to say thank you to @steem-cameroon for this opportunity.
Join me as i tell you about my role model.


In life, either in our field of carrier, studies, profession, skill acquisition, endeavours of life we have people who we admire, like and love the way the do things, the way they lead, the way the work, cordinate, organise or we even admire their success or progress in life.

So who is a Role model?


A role model is someone you look up, either because he or she lives his or her life as an example for you to follow and pattern your life towards that direction.

A role model can be a mentor. A person can be a role model in lifestyle, or in business, or in carrier path, in sports, in music, or in gospel preaching, or even in academics.

Benefits of having a role model

  • Having a role model helps you avoid a lot of mistakes in your life.

  • Role models helps you become the best of you by giving you positive energy and encouraging you to do better in your studies, business, in parenting, in sports or any path chosen.

  • Role models can speak for you in your absence, to recommend you for an opportunity.

  • Role model can give support such as financial, emotional, and spiritual supports.

  • Role models can serve as parents to you. Building and caring for you until you find your pathway.

With all these been said i will proceed to tell you who my role model is.


Photograph of my role model

The name of my Role model is Obie Jason! He is a sound teacher of the word. The founder of youth body called " Rhythm 5 fellowship international" with head quarters in Lagos Nigeria. He is married with kids. His ministry has touched numerous lives especially the young ones in the campuses of Nigeria, stretching from the eastern campuses to the southern parts of Nigeria.

A picture of my role model and his family.

My role model having a training with some young people in lagos Nigeria.

My role model teaching the word on a sunday morning.

some qualities of my role model

There are so many qualities my role model expresses aside the teaching of the word. And below are some;

  • A great leader : Obie Jason as my role model is a an amazing leader. He leads with detailed example. He leads you by "been the first to do". He does not lead by just asking you to do things. His life is patterned as an example to follow.

  • Excellence: my role model is a man of excellence and you could see this excellence in everything he does, even outside ministry work. He loves everything to be done excellently no matter how small it is.
    Guess what? One of his core values is "EXCELLENCE". He does not mind doing a thing over and over until he gets the best.

  • Hard working and die hard : to be die hard means not to easily give up. My role model dont give up, never takes no for an answer! He is hardworking and can stay on a project no matter how long it takes for it to work.

I remember my role model sharing a story of how he started ministry and how it wasnt working,how he failed, how people discouraged and advised him to pack up yet he continued, not looking back or giving up and today its all stories.

  • He always starts small: This is another amazing quality of my role model. He starts small. He is not ashamed of starting small. He believes that starting small does not mean you will end up small. He always says "YOU START SMALL TO BUILD YOUR CAPACITY TO EXPAND AND BECOME BIG"

  • The quality of dedication: my role model believes in dedication. Whatever he believes in and want to achieve, he dedicates his time, money, effort and even prayers to it. Dedication is one very pronounced quality he always tell people to have in order to succeed.


Growing up i looked up to my parents virtually for everything they were my role model, but as time went further i got interested in some fields like sports, music, carrier and also wanted to build the right relationship with God and men, so my parents for me didn't fit in, i needed more!

I gained admission into one of the university found in the eastern part of Nigeria. Precisely Imo state. The name of the university is Imo state university Owerri, imo state. I longed and hungered to pattern my life in a certain way that would impart others even while a student.

@ruthjoe and my role model year 2016

I met my role model, Obie Jason in the year 2009 while i was still a student of imo state university in Imo state during a student academic seminar organised by a branch of his organisation at that time. He was one of the many speakers that day. When it got to his turn to speak to we the student, i listened with keen interest and after that day i knew this was the man i should always listen to and follow. I knew this was the person i would love to pattern my life after.

I have been following him since that day up til now and my life has evolved through lots of transformation. Its been 12years now and am not regretting it.

@ruthjoe, some young youths and my role model year 2020


Like i said earlier when i was talking about the qualities of my role model, Obie Jason has inspired me in differs ways with his lifestyle, and and with his ministry.

  • He inspires me in the area of leadership; Obie Jason is a great leader and has been able to raise lots of leaders in various capacity across the campuses of Nigeria e.g in the area of business and entrepreneurship, in the area of ministry and in even academics.

I wonder how he is able to handle been a leader and been a husband and a father! Thats what strikes me most. In his leadership he gives youths platforms and opportunity to express themselves always.

Picture of my mentor with some young great leaders year 2020.

  • He inspires me and a lot of other people in the area of ministry: Yes he does, he preaches the word with so much passion, zeal, humour and excitement. He doesnot mind nit eating, he prefers to preach first. He would stand for hours teaching, travelling from one city to the other just to make sure young people hear the word. This drive inspires me so much. He makes me want to also reach out to people around me too.

His ministry has touched lives, transformed many and even different healings have been recorded over the years in his ministry.

  • He inspires me in the area of giving and good deeds: my mentor is a great giver. Giving is not easy to do but my mentor does it with so much ease. He gives and help people in need of clothing, shelter, money or any sort of assistance. He does not mind giving and not having for himself. I admire this alot.

I remember him housing some young people, about 15 in number in a house. Feeding them, paying the rent, and clothing them. He is such a generous person with a good heart.


There so many things i have learnt from my role model and some of it includes the following

  • I have learnt to become shameless as long as am doing the right thing and on the right track, regardless of what people say to me. You know my role model would say you need to become shameless, shun what men are saying presently to you, tomorrow they will come celebrating you.

  • I have learnt the virtue of faithfulness : faithfulness is a virtue. My role model is a faithful man and he will always say to everyone who listens to him to be faithful in what ever we are doing. "He would say, he that is faithful in the least things or with some ones's belongings will be faithful in big things and with his own things" There is reward for been faithful.

  • I have learnt to handle people with wisdom: like i said earlier, my role model is a great leader, and been a leader entails that there are people you are leading. Seriously one of the most difficult things to do is to lead people. Every human has a particular way they behave, and we a lot of people following one man's leadership, you can imagine how that is? Its not easy. I have seen my role candle people with so much wisdom and i have learnt from him.


Been a role model entails so much and am so glad i have a role model but the most interesting part is that i have access to my role model. I look up to him most times for strength and comfort to move forward when i feel like giving up.

Thank you for reading to the end.

Best regards

 3 years ago 

Thanks for taking part in this contest

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