Green Deeds: I pledge to run every Saturday and walk when visiting or going to teach in August 2021 | by @rosita-nkefor

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello dear steemians. It is a pleasure to be here and to make my first participation in the Green Deeds contest organised by our Country Representative and admin @thegreens.


My picture edited using Pixellab

I pledge to run every Saturday and walk when visiting or going to teach in August 2021

As my last month of holiday, I have made the decision to go running every Saturday. I will do this by joining @nyuywir-frank and his team every Saturday to run to Upstation and back. This is so as to strengthen me and give me the endurance to always try to walk so as to reduce using taxis or bikes often.

I will also walk each time I am visiting a friend who doesn't live more than 100m away. This will be for instead of taking the usual bike to and fro which is not hood for the environment.

Though most of the classes I teach are done in my home, when I have my other classes about 100m away, I will walk to and from the place. This shall be effective as from tomorrow. I have a class to teach at Fonab Mile 3 Nkwen, and I intend to walk to the school when going and when coming back.

This is my Green Deeds pledge this August 2021 and my achievement shall be aeen through my daily diary game.

Thank you for reading.

 3 years ago 

@rosita-nkefor, take me along when you go for the sports walk to and fro upstation with @nyuywir-frank.
100m is a very short distance of a few steps. Anyway, from little things, big things grow.
Walking to and fro work is really amazing and will be nice if you got a sports app so that you can track the distance you cover by foot on a daily and weekly basis.

 3 years ago 

We'll hit you up on Saturdays then. Thank you @thegreens.

As for the app, those I tried using were quite difficult to use. Can you recommend me a good tracking app?

 3 years ago 

Paser is a good tracking app..😁

 3 years ago 

Thank you

 3 years ago 

😌😌 bow to your Sensei ..😂😂😂

 3 years ago 

For ya mind now😂

 3 years ago 

😂😂😂😂😂 all I hear is much talking and less bowing

 3 years ago 

Your post has been curated by @thegreens with the Steem Cameroon Community Account. Keep dropping creative content to get beautiful rewards from the Steem Cameroon Community and feel free to contact @thegreens for all your steem questions and challenges.
Remember to participate in any of the following contests or programs organized for Cameroonian Steemians;

  1. The Power Up Challenge
  2. Creative Writing Contest
  3. [Green Deeds Contest](To be launched)
  4. Best Day of the Week Contest
  5. Steemit Achievement Pledge Program
  6. Steem Cameroon Delegations Reward Program


 3 years ago 

Thank you.

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