in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)

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Good day fellow steemians. I believe we are all doing well. Today I would like to share with you all my opinion and perspective on the contest topic, gender visibility and equality.


This is a concept that sheds more light on the need to maintain a stable, balanced relationship free from inequality and prejudice among the different sexes. It is disappointing to see that in the world will live today, the female folks has been stereotyped as being weak, physically and emotionally and as such are not efficient to handle leadership positions. Even the male folks has been belived to be the stronger, more emotionally balanced gender and as such are not required to show weakness or emotions like crying or complaining. All these stereotyped views has helped in creating an unstable relationship among the different genders filled with inequality and prejudice. Sadly, the female folks has been on the receiving end of these societal conflict and belief. That is why there is a great need to promote gender visibility and equality.


A gender equal world is a world free of stereotyped views and beliefs about the different genders. It is a world free of gender discrimination, prejudice and inequality. A world where people are recognize for their capabilities and strength irrespective of their gender. A world where people can speak and be heard, listened to and can effect positive change without the society looking down on them because of their gender.

We long for such a world. And that is why there have been many movements and associations strengthening and advocating for the equal rights of women. Because like I said earlier, the women are at the receiving end of this prejudiced world.

Forging a gender equal world is not an easy task because, this abnormality has eaten deep into the system. Gender discrimination and inequality has now been normalized and accepted as part of the societal norms and beliefs of a community.

What then can we do to change this system? I believe the first course of action to take is cultural and social revolution- This is a great change in the behavior, conditions, beliefs and ways of working that affects a large number of people in a socio-cultutural setting. It is a change in the belief system and way if working in a society. If a community or society can adopt this concept and change their beliefs especially those concerning the female folks. We will be one step closer I no achieving a gender equal world.

Secondly, if we as an individual make a conscious effort to restructure our minds from the stereotyped view and beliefs we have adopted as a result of the kind of society we grew up in or live in, then the world will be a much better place. As a popular saying goes; Change begins with you. We should make a conscious to not discriminate people despite their respective genders but rather recognize them for their strengths and capabilities for we are all humans, male and female alike.


Women's International day is a day specifically mapped out for women all over the world to celebrate them as the wonderful gender they are, recognizing their capabilities, strengths, skills and hardworks. I believe continuous celebration and recognition of this day is an important way of promoting gender visibility and equality. When we continuously create awareness of this day, the world begins to understand that this gender is also capable of doing, stupendous, creative and innovative things. And is not just known for being weak, house wives or meant to be in the kitchen all the time.


Feminism is an advocation for the right to treat women with equality and without discrimination. I believe the feminism fight and the women's right fight are basically the same thing. This is because, they advocate and support the same thing which is gender equality and non discrimination against the female folks. The women's right supports the rights of females as being the same and equal with that of their male counterparts on the basis that we all are humans and therefore should not be treated as a lesser gender.


Women in top positions like presidents, CEO, Senators, house of assembly, and so on are individuals that has successfully utilized their full potentials and capabilities and has developed mastery of their self and as such are able to achieve such high sought positions. They are individuals like you and I that were able to rise in a world or society filled with gender discrimination, in a world or society that was opposed to such leadership and rule. They were able to rise and conquer.


A good leader is defined by a person's ability to take control, organize and accomplish stupendous works. All these are based on his or her strengths and merits not on gender. Therefore, Gender has nothing to do with the making of a great leader. It is all about the individual capabilities and ability.


Gender visibility and equality is a concept that entails non-discrimination among the different genders. It advocates for a world free of inequality and injustice, gender wise. We should therefore try to forge a gender equal world by changing our behaviours and mindset. Remember change begins with you.

I invite @goodybest, @simonnwigwe, @ruthjoe

 2 years ago 

I agree with you . Regular celebration of women's day will help create the awareness of gender visibility and equality. We will keep doing our best as women until we are given our right. I have participated you can visit mine if you have time.

Gender visibility should be equal rights, at times I give it to the women. Women really knows how to lead. Happy international women's day to all the strongest women in the world.

 2 years ago 

Bueno amiga, el feminismo y la defensa de derechos tuvieron bastante similitud en un principio, aunque esta es una lucha que pica y se extiende. Excelente publicación, exito en la misma!

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the invite..

I really appreciate your definition of what makes a good leader.

Celebrating women on international women's day can increase visibility of women but I think more work needs to be done aside this. I think grace root education and awareness should be constantly done to let even our kids know this. Because they say train up a child in the way he should go and he won't depart from it.

Now imagine if our children are sensitized, surely it will get to the society.

Best wishes


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